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Fertiberia. Acidófilas. Producto de la categoría jardín - fertilizantes líquidos


Acidophilic plants

Liquid fertiliser specially indicated for plants that need an acid soil for their proper development, such as hydrangeas, camellias, gardenias, azaleas, rhododendrons, etc.


  • Promotes flowering and obtaining vivid colours.
  • Incorporates seaweed extract that provides greater photosynthetic activity, increases vegetative growth and increases resistance to adverse situations and stress.

Dealer information:

  • Reference: 4259| Presentation: 500 ml | Unit/Box: 18 | EAN Code: 8436029824259

Technical specifications

NPK 6-5-6+0.5%MgO+0.5% seaweed extract.

Mode of application

  • 1 cap for 3 litres of water.

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Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

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