Fertiberia. Logotipo de TRICHODEX

Biostimulation solutions

Formulas to stimulate development and obtain quality harvests

Fertiberia - Nuestras empresas. Icono de Bioestimulantes, de la empresa TRICHODEX


Biostimulant products

Solutions to improve nutrient absorption and efficiency, stimulate plant physiological processes, boost plant growth, increase yield and provide better defence against abiotic stress.

Imagen que muestra el producto prodigy de la categoría Biosicience
Boost plant health using a biostimulant infused with free amino acids, elicitors, and enzymes obtained through fermentation.
Imagen que muestra producto Meerkat de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex
Formulated with amino acids, glycosides and natural sugars, it is an activator of the plant's root mass growth.
Imagen que muestra producto Bioroot de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex
Stimulates abundant root biomass, reducing root emission time. Increases water absorption and roots.
Imagen que muestra producto Tricho Húmico de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex
Highly soluble humic and fulvic acids from leonardite. Improves permeability and availability of micronutrients.
Imagen que muestra producto Strong Power de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex
Improves the physicochemical and biological structure of the soil. Increases cation exchange capacity (CEC).
Imagen que muestra el producto Biosol AMC de la categoría Bioscience
Amino acids and peptides obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation.
Imagen que muestra el producto Muscle de la categoría Bioscience.
With rapid and direct absorption, Muscle accelerates protein synthesis, which saves energy for the plant.
Imagen que muestra producto BS-95 de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex
Phosphorus-containing amino acids that improve the effectiveness of the solution when applied in mixture with other phytosanitary and nutritional...
Imagen que muestra producto Growing Hook de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex
Amino acids for foliar use formulated with boron and molybdenum to improve pollen quality and flower fertilisation.
Imagen que muestra producto Zinc Tip Plus de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex
Amino acids with zinc and phosphorus. Rapidly absorbed and indicated in the early stages of crop development up until flowering.
Imagen que muestra el producto Citomastic de la categoría Bioscience
Enzymatic catalyst of photosynthesis. Activates the translocation of carbohydrates and increases the absorption of macro and micro elements.
Imagen que muestra producto Metioniko de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex
Enzymatic precursor of the physiological processes of flowering and fruit setting. Corrects physiopathologies resulting from molybdenum defi...
Imagen que muestra producto BS-95 de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex
Natural bioactives and macro-micronutrients key to ensuring and promoting fruit setting, attachment and establishment.
Imagen que muestra producto Metioniko de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex
Precursor amino acid that promotes a non-hormonal colour change in fruit and accelerates and homogenises the harvest.
Imagen que muestra la familia de productos BIOKELAT de la categoría Biosicience
Result of a high-tech process (FPB® multi-stage fermentation process). With a high concentration of elicitor bioactives.

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What we do

Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

What we do

We design and manufacture the most efficient and sustainable products for agriculture and industry


Services to facilitate our customers’ daily tasks


Our pillars to ensure sustainable, innovative and committed investments.


Research, development and innovation for sustainable and responsible growth.

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