TRICHODEX® Grupo Fertiberia has been presented today at the University of Seville School of Agronomic Engineering (ETSIA) Open House.

This day was a beneficial meeting point between companies and institutions of the sector. The brand has disseminated the passion and the work it represents day after day and has expressed and shared experiences among students.
The participation of TRICHODEX® with the university setting is continuous among the initiatives of the group and because of this, the group's activities are disseminated as a professional opportunity after finishing the studies or as a centre to develop actions and research development.
It is a great opportunity for the brand to discover new talents, where activities such as this open house provide the perfect setting for collaboration with training and university institutions in the agricultural field. Participating in this kind of forum gives TRICHODEX® the possibility to present first-hand the specialities of the group's business model and corporate culture, transmitting and driving the brand towards improvements in relation to the aims and objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.