All the latest news about Fertiberia

Find the latest news about our group and our activities in the news section and on the corporate blog

    20-12-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal del post "Brassica: el motor de la producción hortofrutícola en España", TRICHOBOT
    Brassica: the driving force behind fruit and vegetable production in Spain
    The Brassica genus includes key crops such as cauliflower, cabbage, rapini and rapeseed,...
    Imagen noticia - Fertiberia TECH presenta una imagen renovada de NERGETIC COMPLETE D-OLEA SPECIAL, desarrollado para los Olivares más exigentes
    Fertiberia TECH presents a renewed image of NERGETIC COMPLETE D-OLEA SPECIAL, developed for the most demanding olive groves
    NERGETIC COMPLETE D-OLEA SPECIAL is part of the NERGETIC COMPLETE line and incorporates...
    11-12-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal del post "Los microorganismos, grandes aliados de la agricultura", VIBACTER
    Microorganisms, excellent allies in agriculture
    The combined use of seed treatment along with the addition of PGPR microorganisms...
    Fertiberia - Noticias. Imagen para noticia Sara Lacalle y Paula Isla, Premios Cátedra Fertiberia de Estudios Agroambientales
    PepsiCo y Fertiberia extienden su programa de fertilizantes bajos en carbono para el cultivo de patata y maíz en España y Portugal
    PepsiCo and Fertiberia extend their low-carbon fertiliser programme for potato and corn production in Spain and Portugal
    In the first phase of the project, the carbon footprint of PepsiCo’s potato crops...
    31-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal del post "Trichoderma Inteligente:
Biofertilizantes que revolucionan la producción
y la salud del suelo", usando una composición con el producto biofertilizante VELLTRIX
    Intelligent Trichoderma. Biofertilisers that revolutionise production and soil health
    TRICHODEX® (Fertiberia Group) has in its catalogue VELLTRIX®, a registered biofertiliser,...
    Fertiberia: Actualidad, Noticias. Imagen para "Fertiberia TECH lanza el nuevo C-PRO, la tecnología presente en la línea NERGETIC COMPLETE ahora con doble función, para una agricultura más eficiente y sostenible" mostrando una imagen aspiracional de un campo de cultivo.
    Fertiberia - Noticias. Imagen para noticia Fertiberia y Grupo IberoPistacho se alían para impulsar la sostenibilidad en el cultivo del pistacho
    Fertiberia and IberoPistacho Group join forces to promote sustainability in pistachio cultivation
    Thanks to the application of Fertiberia TECH biotechnological solutions and the use...
    Fertiberia_Actualidad-Noticias_Sara Lacalle y Paula Isla, Premios Cátedra Fertiberia de Estudios Agroambientales
    Sara Lacalle and Paula Isla, winners of the Fertiberia Chair in Agri-environmental Studies
    The Fertiberia Chair in Agri-environmental Studies Awards comes with a prize of 1,000...
    Fertiberia - ESG. Social: proyectos. Detalle del cartel de la edición 2024-25 del "XXVIII Certamen Fertiberia de Pintura Rural Infantil"
    Opened call for the XXVIII Fertiberia Children's Rural Painting Competition
    The contest values the rural environment and is aimed at students from 1st to 4th...
    04-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal del post "Restaura el microbioma y mitiga los efectos del estrés en tu cultivo", usando una composición con fresas para ejemplificar los beneficios de VIBACTER® y BACNIFOS® y las ventajas de la biotecnología.
    Restore the microbiome and mitigate the effects of stress on your crop
    Discover the benefits of VIBACTER® and BACNIFOS® biofertilisers in strawberry cultivation...
    Imagen principal para el post "Los Reyes del Microbioma" usando una visión creativa del microbioma convertido en personaje con corona. Sirve para ejemplificar la campaña sobre los beneficios de los biofertilizantes
    The Kings of the Microbiome
    VELLTRIX®, VIBACTER®, BACNIFOS®, and FINDER® biofertilizers from TRICHODEX® not only...
    Imagen principal para el post "Microbioma: Heroes Invisible que Revolucionan la Agricultura Moderna" mostrando la frase "Biotech for live" con para celebrar el Día Internacional del Microbioma
    Get your next campaign ready! We offer you the key to promoting filtration, retention and lateral movement of water in the soil
    Strawberry crops - CHAUME® is an optimal solution that reduces the frequency of irrigation...
    Salen al mercado las primeras LAY’S y Ruffles cultivadas con los fertilizantes bajos en carbono de fertiberia
    The first LAY’S and Ruffles cultivated with Fertiberia’s Low-Carbon fertilisers are now on the market
    A pilot programme between PepsiCo and Fertiberia has successfully grown 9,000 tonnes...
    Imagen principal para el post
    Optimise calcium intake in times of greatest need
    CITOMASTIC® is an enzymatic catalyst particularly suited to increase the photosynthetic...
    Imagen principal para el post "Microbioma: Heroes Invisible que Revolucionan la Agricultura Moderna" mostrando la frase "Biotech for live" con para celebrar el Día Internacional del Microbioma
    Microbiome: invisible heroes revolutionising modern agriculture
    On World Microbiome Day, it is important to reflect on the progress made in the field...
    Fertiberia: Actualidad, Noticias. Imagen para "Fertiberia y Orica completan la primera voladura con Nitrato Amónico Técnico bajo en carbono en España" mostrando el producto en el terreno de la voladura
    Orica and Fertiberia complete first low-carbon Ammonium Nitrate blast in Spain
    Orica (ASX: ORI) and Fertiberia have partnered to successfully execute the first...
    The power and advantages of R&D&I
    At TRICHODEX®, we have a Research, Development and Innovation Department (R+D+i)that...
    Imagen para el interior de la noticia
    NSAFE®, the first nitrification bio-inhibitor on the market developed by Fertiberia, awarded as one of the 100 Best Ideas by Actualidad Económica
    Actualidad Económica has highlighted NSAFE® technology as one of the most innovative...
    Imagen para el interior de la noticia "Grupo Fertiberia celebra el Día Mundial de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo con la entrega de sus Premios SaFer" mostrando las fotos de los premiados
    Grupo Fertiberia joins the GLOBALG.A.P. community to promote sustainable crops
    Fertiberia joins GLOBALG.A.P. as an associate member to continue promoting responsible...
    Imagen para el interior de la noticia
    Grupo Fertiberia celebrates World Day for Safety and Health at Work with the presentation of its SaFer Awards
    The winners were two workers from the Palos and Setúbal factories, the Huelva Closing...
    Grupo Fertiberia successfully completed new senior secured bond issue
    Grupo Fertiberia confirms the solvency and solidity of its business and the notoriety...
    Imagen principal para el post "Ponencia técnica: “Microbioma en Acción: Estrategias Innovadoras para la Resiliencia de Cultivos Leñosos y Hortícolas frente al estrés Biótico y Abiótico" mostrando el cartel de la ponencia
    Imagen para el interior de la noticia "Las estrategias para descarbonizar el sector agrícola, a debate en la 15º Jornada de la Cátedra Fertiberia de Estudios Agroambientales" mostrando a algunos de los presentes en la Jornada sobre Estrategias de Descarbonización
    Fertiberia and Agrifirm join forces for the development of low-carbon crop nutrition solutions in the Netherlands
    Through its Dutch subsidiary Van De Reijt, Fertiberia has allied with The Royal Agrifirm...
    Imagen para el interior de la noticia
    Strategies to decarbonise the agricultural sector, under debate at the 15th Conference of the Fertiberia Chair in Agri-environmental Studies
    Several case studies have served to explore the best practices of the fertiliser...
    20-03-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal para el post "Ponencia técnica: “Microbioma en Acción: Estrategias Innovadoras para la Resiliencia de Cultivos Leñosos y Hortícolas frente al estrés Biótico y Abiótico" mostrando el cartel de la  ponencia
    Technical presentation: “Microbiome in Action: Innovative Strategies for Resilience of Woody and Horticultural Crops to Biotic and Abiotic Stress”
    This technical presentation took place on 14 March, within the framework of the 17th...
    Imagen para el interior de la noticia
    Fertiberia partners with EOSOL to develop an Artificial Intelligence tool to promote precision agriculture
    Grupo Fertiberia takes another step forward in its aim to promote more efficient,...
    Imagen para la noticia
    26th edition of the “Fertiberia Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis on Agricultural Subjects”
    Fertiberia abre nueva convocatoria para premiar las mejores tesis doctorales en temas...
    Imagen para la noticia
    Gallo Group joins forces with Fertiberia to use low-carbon crop nutrition solutions with the aim of producing more sustainable durum wheat
    Gallo Group will promote the use of fertilisers from Fertiberia’s Impact Zero range,...
    Imagen principal para el post "TRICHODEX® avanza en Portugal con nuevos registros en biofertilizantes" mostrando la imagen de los productos concretos
    TRICHODEX® at the 17th National Plant Health Symposium: “Unlocking the Power of the Microbiome for Profitable and Sustainable Agriculture”
    During the event, we will present our latest breakthroughs and innovative strategies...
    Imagen para la noticia "Fertiberia, Lantmännen y Nordion Energi invierten para desarrollar la primera fábrica de fertilizantes alimentada con energía 100% renovable en Suecia" mostrando la firma del acuerdo
    Fertiberia_Actualidad-Noticias_Fertiberia_Jornada_Cátedra Fertiberia_Estudios_Agroambientales
    The Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies convenes its 15th Conference on decarbonisation strategies in the fertiliser sector
    The Fertiberia Chair conference will analyse some of the ways to mitigate GHG emissions...
    Imagen para la noticia
    Imagen para la noticia "El proyecto de cebada baja en huella de carbono impulsado por Fertiberia y HEINEKEN España, premiado por el Observatorio de Innovación en Gran Consumo del Institut Cerdá" mostrando a personal de Fertiberia y Heineken como galardonados
    Fertiberia celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis on Agricultural Subjects, the best-financed award for agronomic research in Europe
    Juan de Dios Franco Navarro, ganador de esta edición por su tesis “Funciones del...
    Imagen para la noticia "Fertiberia lanza un amoniaco para el tratamiento de agua potable" mostrando una vista general aérea de la planta donde se produce, Palos de la Frontera (Huelva)
    The low carbon footprint barley project promoted by Fertiberia and HEINEKEN Spain, awarded by the Institut Cerdá’s Observatory for Innovation in Mass Consumption
    The event recognises the commitment to innovation and sustainable agriculture under...
    Imagen para la noticia "Fertiberia acelera su negocio biotecnológico y lanza NERGETIC DZ+ con el bio-inhibidor NSAFE" mostrando el detalle de los nuevos sacos de producto
    Fertiberia launches an ammonia to treat drinking water
    The company, Spain’s leading ammonia producer, has designed a product that meets...
    Fertiberia News - "Fertiberia accelerates its biotechnology business and launches NERGETIC DZ+ with the NSAFE bio-inhibitor"
    Fertiberia accelerates its biotechnology business and launches NERGETIC DZ+ with the NSAFE® bio-inhibitor
    NERGETIC DZ+ is the first product to incorporate the NSAFE® biotechnology innovation...
    Imagen para la noticia "Fertiberia lanza un AdBlue para el transporte marítimo" mostrando un buque mercante
    Fertiberia launches NSAFE®: the first bio-inhibitor on the market that prevents nitrogen losses, protects soil biodiversity and increases yields
    It is a new microbiological development that acts as a nitrification inhibitor, retaining...
    Imagen principal para el post "TRICHODEX® avanza en Portugal con nuevos registros en biofertilizantes" mostrando la imagen de los productos concretos
    TRICHODEX® makes progress in Portugal with new biofertiliser registrations
    The company has obtained new registrations in Portugal: these are very representative...
    10-11-2023. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal para el post "BACNIFOS incrementa significativamente la longitud área y total" mostrando en detalle la germinación de semilla
    BACNIFOS® significantly increases area and total length
    Seed treatment is one of the most efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly...
    Imagen para la noticia "Fertiberia lanza un AdBlue para el transporte marítimo" mostrando un buque mercante
    Fertiberia launches AdBlue® for maritime transport
    The company achieves the AENOR ISO18611 quality certification for this unique solution...
    Imagen principal para el post de TRICHODEX
    Renewal of UNE 142500 and UNE 315500 Certificates
    Our solutions receive UNE certification for use in organic production for the fifth...
    Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog TRICHODEX ABIM 2023: header
    TRICHODEX® in Annual Biocontrol Industry International (ABIM)
    We have actively participated in the IBMA AUTUMN GENERAL ASSEMBLY (AGM) as in the...
    Imagen para ilustrar la entrega de los Premios Cátedra Fertiberia de Estudios Agroambientales, otorgados en 2023 a Jhoeel Hernán y a Belén Lostao, que muestra al jurado de los premios
    ADP Fertilizantes obtains the ZERYA® certificate for biotechnological products
    This certification, obtained for all Neoforce® and Profertil® products in the Fertiberia...
    Imagen principal para el post de TRICHODEX "Prepara tu próxima campaña de frutos rojos: optimización del riego", destacando las ventajas de Chaume
    Prepare your next berry season: irrigation optimisation
    Drought, together with rising global temperatures, has become one of the main abiotic...
    Imagen principal para el post de TRICHODEX "Prepara tu próxima campaña de frutos rojos: salinidad"
    Prepare your next berry season: salinity
    Microorganisms mitigate salt stress by reducing the synthesis of reactive oxygen...
    Imagen para ilustrar la entrega de los Premios Cátedra Fertiberia de Estudios Agroambientales, otorgados en 2023 a Jhoeel Hernán y a Belén Lostao, que muestra al jurado de los premios
    Jhoeel Hernán and Belén Lostao, Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies Award Winners
    Both have been awarded for their research work in the field of fertilisers and their...
    Detalle del cartel de la feria Fruit Attraction 2023
    Trichodex will once again be present at fruit attraction the international trade fair of the fruit and vegetable sector
    We consolidate our presence at Fruit Attraction, providing biotechnological and sustainable...
    Imagen principal para la noticia sobre la apertura del XXVII Certamen Fertiberia de Pintura Rural Infantil, mostrando el cartel de la convocatoria abierta en septiembre de 2023
    The 27th Fertiberia Children's Rural Painting Competition is now open for entries
    The competition aims to raise awareness about and highlight the values of the rural...
    Imagen principal para la noticia "Primaflor se alía con Fertiberia para reducir al mínimo las emisiones de CO2 en la producción de verduras y hortalizas", mostrando a Javier Goñi (CEO de Fertiberia) y a Eduardo Córdoba (Director General de Primaflor)
    Primaflor partners with Fertiberia to minimise CO2 emissions in vegetable production
    This agreement with Fertiberia confirms the potential of the Impact Zero line of...
    Imagen del Congreso Europeo de Producción Ecológica 2023 (ECOC23) patrocinado por TRICHODEX
    Sponsors at the European Organic Congress, where the Presidency of the Honorary Committee is accepted by Her Majesty Queen Letizia
    Grupo Fertiberia TRICHODEX® consolidates its presence in the presentation ceremony...
    The call for the '24th Young Researchers Awards' of the Huelva Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters in collaboration with Fertiberia is open
    Any researcher or artist under 35 years of age who can demonstrate relevant professional...
    Heineken Spain and Fertiberia promote the world's first low-carbon crop nutrition solutions
    With this worldwide pioneering pilot project, HEINEKEN Spain becomes the first company...
    Fertiberia launches a new corporate website as part of its new strategic positioning and its digitisation, integration and internationalisation plan
    Grupo Fertiberia, made up of 13 companies located in Spain, France, Portugal, the...
    Barents Blue
    Horisont Energi and ammonia specialist Fertiberia strengthen Barents Blue partnership with signing of joint development agreement
    Has signed a joint development agreement with the European ammonia specialist Fertiberia...
    The UPM and Fertiberia renew their collaboration in efficient and sustainable fertilisation with the Chair of Agri-environmental Studies
    Through a new agreement, both entities are continuing the joint actions they have...
    Fertiberia will supply Impact Zero green fertiliser to the British multinational Marks & Spencer to reduce the carbon footprint of its 27 dairy farms.
    Fertiberia's Impact Zero crop nutrition solutions are the first in the world produced...
    Prepare your next season: adapt to climate change
    Over the past decades, extensive research has shown the benefits of certain PGPR...
    Alliance for the use of green hydrogen-based fertilisers
    Pepsico and Fertiberia launch a pioneering programme to reduce emissions in potato...
    Grupo Fertiberia completes acquisition of Van de Reijt
    The company, which announced the agreement in November, completes the acquisition...
    Grupo Fertiberia inaugurates its first solar park for self-consumption in the Portuguese factory of Lavradio
    It has teamed up with Portuguese energy leader ADP to develop a 1.3 MW photovoltaic...
    Platinum Sponsors at the Microbiome 23 International Congress
    For yet another year, we will be attending, providing biotechnological and sustainable...
    The CAP and the environment in the fertiliser sector, under debate at the 14th Workshop of the Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies of UPM
    14th Workshop on Fertilisation for Sustainable Agriculture, Fertiliser sector: CAP...
    Fertiberia will support the 24th Young Researchers Awards of the Huelva Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
    The 2023 edition of the competition will open on 1 October.
    The Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies has published its Annual Report for the 2022 financial year.
    The objectives set by the Chair have been practically fulfilled, after these last...
    The University of Cadiz (UCA) visits us
    TRICHODEX Grupo Fertiberia has had the pleasure of receiving this week biotechnology...
    The Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies sponsors the Study-Practical trip organised by the ETSIAAB to the Fertiberia factory in Puertollano.
    A total of 28 students from the 3rd and 4th year of the Degree in Agro-environmental...
    Grupo Fertiberia joins World Day for Safety and Health at Work with the presentation of its 1st SaFer Awards.
    This initiative recognises the actions and attitudes in favour of prevention and...
    Grupo Fertiberia and the important French cereal cooperative Vivescia join forces to incorporate the 'Impact Zero' line in their cereal crops.
    The Vivescia cooperative, located in north-west France, promotes sustainable agriculture...
    BIOAdapta®️ against water stress in citrus fruits
    Under water stress conditions the protective effect of the microbiome is to reduce...
    Grupo Fertiberia joins the Andalusion Green Hydrogen Alliance
    Promoted by the Regional Government of Andalusia, through the Regional Ministry of...
    Water is life, Velltrix is life
    Biotechnology and agriculture join forces for responsible water management: Velltrix...
    Alma Martínez from Murcia, winner of Grupo Fertiberia's 26th Children's Rural Painting Competition.
    An engaging competition designed for students aged 6 to 10 residing in rural towns...
    Fertiberia and Cepsa sign a strategic alliance to promote the production of green hydrogen and decarbonise industry in Huelva.
    This is the largest agreement signed to date, as they are the main producers and...
    University of Seville Open House
    TRICHODEX® Grupo Fertiberia has been presented today at the University of Seville...
    BIOCLEAN LKE® against Alternaria
    Studies have been conducted to evaluate the use of BIOCLEAN LKE® as a substitute...
    Bureau Veritas certifies Grupo Fertiberia's responsible management and good anti-corruption practices.
    Bureau Veritas awards UNE 19601 and ISO 37001 certificates to the company's anti-bribery...
    We invite you to discover the beginnings, motivations and trajectory of three of...
    The 25th edition of the 'Fertiberia Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis on Agricultural Subjects' has been announced.
    The competition, which is open until 8 May, recognises the cum laude works defended...
    Fertiberia joins forces with Horisont Energi to promote the Barents Blue project: the largest clean ammonia production plant in Europe.
    Fertiberia, the largest producer of plant nutrition solutions on the Iberian Peninsula,...
    Raquel Pastor receives the Fertiberia Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis on Agricultural Subjects for her research on biofertilisation.
    This is one of the best-financed agronomic research awards in Europe, with a total...
    Reducing fruit drop in citrus fruits
    We apply BIOKELAT Co-Mo, a product manufactured thanks to FPB® and MAMPs® technologies,...
    Biofersa. Alliance for ecology
    The project focuses on validating the real potential and determining the particular...
    Heineken Spain and Fertiberia launch a worldwide pioneering project to produce sustainable malting barley from green hydrogen.
    The "Green Malt" project aims to reduce emissions in the cultivation of malting barley...
    Plant microbiome and polymers for water efficiency
    We have innovative solutions for sustainable water use following two main strategies:...
    Soil and Microbiome: the dynamic duo
    Soil well-being is achieved when the MICROBIOME is in balance with organic matter...
    Grupo Fertiberia acquires Van de Reijt to boost sales of low-carbon plant nutrition solutions in Europe
    Grupo Fertiberia takes another step in its strategy to boost international sales...
    Grupo Fertiberia expands its international network with a subsidiary to kickstart growth in Greece and the Balkans
    The new company, called Fertiberia Hellas, is led by a group of professionals with...
    There are certain growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs) that stimulate plant development...
    Thank you for visiting us at Fruit Attraction!
    We consolidate our presence at Fruit Attraction, bringing disruptive and sustainable...
    Verónica Menéndez and Rafael Jiménez, Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies Award winners
    The awards recognised the best Master's theses on fertilisation and agricultural...
    We are renewing our certificates! UNE 142500 and UNE 315500
    For the fourth consecutive year, we announce the renewal of the certification of...
    We are opening the call for the Awards for the Best Projects and Graduate and Master's Theses at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM)
    Awards for the Best Projects and Graduate and Master's Theses at the Polytechnic...
    Grupo Fertiberia will build a demo plant in Huelva for the recovery of nutrients from bio-waste and their valorisation in the fertiliser industry
    With an investment of 10 million Euros, the company is leading Europe's most important...
    Grupo Fertiberia acquires Trichodex
    Fertiberia seals the acquisition of Trichodex in an operation that forms part of...
    Grupo Fertiberia acquires Trichodex to lead in biotechnology innovation
    The acquisition improves Grupo Fertiberia's plant nutrition offer in biofertilisers...
    Fertiberia TECH launches a new application to provide farmers with the best fertilisation recommendations
    Fertiberia TECH launches today the new application "Fertiberia TECH", a mobile application...
    TRICHODEX® launches VIBACTER, BACNIFOS and FINDER to bring new solutions that help...
    FAO World Agriculture 2021 Overview
    The last 20 years have witnessed a series of fundamental changes in world agriculture...
    Plant nutrition and soil fertility
    The advantages of using a holistic approach combining different fertilising products...
    King Felipe VI inaugurates Fertiberia's ammonia and green fertiliser plant in Puertollano, the first in the world in this sector
    Grupo Fertiberia takes a decisive step in its strategy to reduce its emissions to...
    Silicon increases plant resistance to pests and pathogens, improves resistance to...
    Improving nitrogen use efficiency
    Reconciling agricultural productivity with water and air quality objectives.
    Grupo Fertiberia announces its new Impact Zero line, the world’s first fertiliser which will be produced with green hydrogen
    With the motto “We’re transforming the future from the present”, the new line has...
    Grupo Fertiberia joins the CEOE
    Grupo Fertiberia has signed an agreement to join the Spanish Confederation of Business...
    Sustainable fertilisation, under debate at the Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies at the Polytechnic University of Madrid
    The conference addressed the new European regulation on the fertiliser market that...
    Evolution of the demand for fertilisers in Spain in 2019
    Industry estimates indicate that fertiliser demand has decreased slightly in 2019...
    TRICHODEX has participated in the 16th National Plant Health Symposium (Seville,...
    The Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies has published its Annual Report for the 2021 financial year
    The Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies continues to strengthen the link...
    Grupo Fertiberia will reduce its emissions to zero by 2035
    Grupo Fertiberia has launched the most ambitious investment plan in its history to...
    The Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies convenes its 13th Conference under the title "Regulation 2019/1009. Practical Implications"
    The introduction of the new regulation will entail far-reaching changes, both in...
    BIOAdapta®: Solves the microbiological imbalance
    Restoration of the plant microbiome has the potential to reduce the incidence of...
    Fire blight
    BIOCLEAN® inhibits the development of Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of fire...
    BS-95 increases pollen viability
    In trials carried out under controlled conditions on tomato variety "marmande", where...
    Chaume against water deficit
    CHAUME is a blend of non-ionic surfactants that promote the filtration, retention...
    HyDeal Spain: the world's largest integrated renewable and competitive hydrogen hub
    HyDeal Spain will be the first industrial implementation of the HyDeal Ambition platform...
    A German and Swedish delegation visits the hydrogen project being promoted by Grupo Fertiberia and Iberdrola in Puertollano
    The commissioner of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for Hydrogen...
    Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners announces a consortium with Enagás, Naturgy, Fertiberia and Vestas to produce hydrogen and green ammonia on a large scale in Spain
    The Catalina project has the potential to create 5,000 jobs and avoid the emission...
    Lucas Forcos from Zaragoza, winner of Grupo Fertiberia's 25th Children's Rural Painting Competition
    Students aged 6 to 10 years old who live in rural towns or towns of agricultural...
    Fertiliser consumption in the European Union 2019-2029
    Over the next ten years, reductions in nitrogen consumption of 3% and increases in...
    Citomastic® in broccoli
    CITOMASTIC® is an enzyme catalyst specially indicated to increase the photosynthetic...
    Merger Project
    Trichodex and AMC Chemical merge with the aim of becoming a more competitive and...
    The forgotten phyllosphere
    The use of the integral microbiome-based BIOAdapta® solution in crops increases the...
    TRICHODEX will once again be present at FRUIT ATTRACTION
    At Fruit Attraction 2021, from 5 to 7 October in Madrid, we will present BIOAdapta®,...
    This November 2021 marks 30 years since we began the path of everything we are today,...
    TRICHODEX renews, once again, the UNE 142500 and 315500 certification
    We announce the renewal of the certification of our products under the new UNE standard...
    TIDAL is a formulation based on the 'priming effect', activating the immune system...
    BIOADAPTA: the need for change in the face of climate change
    BIOAdapta® is TRICHODEX's solution to the global challenge of reducing the impact...
    Brown rot in stone fruit trees
    The application of BIOCLEAN®️ LKE achieves optimum results in the control of brown...
    Technical Support: from the lab to the field
    Validation of product efficacy and crop safety is crucial prior to market launch....
    We have been manufacturers since 1991
    The steps for marketing an innovative agricultural input, from the conception of...
    Climate change is generating important stress episodes in crops, such as drought,...
    The importance of molybdenum and cobalt in plants
    Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential element for the plant, as it participates in two...
    Botrytis cinerea is the most widespread pathogen in the world
    The increase in relative humidity and the presence of free water in recent days has...
    Mancozeb, the last fungicide to be withdrawn in the EU
    On 23 October, the European Commission authorised the non-renewal of the fungicide...
    Reduce the use of copper without losing efficacy against olive leaf spot
    Olive leaf spot, caused by the fungus Fusicladium oleagineum, is the most important...
    Microbiome: friends of your crop
    Prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics sound familiar, but what are they and how...
    Agriculture 2.0: producing with less fertilisers
    On 6 November the Regional Government of Andalusia updated the recommendations and...
    Optimise the irrigation of your crop
    The Costa Tropical of Malaga and Granada, due to its orography and weather condi...
    Bioprotection against Damping-off
    Damping-off is one of the fungal diseases with the greatest impact on plant production...
    Bioprotection against white rot of lettuce
    White rot caused by Sclerotinia sp is a pathology affecting more than 400 species...
    Optimise the solubility and availability of phosphorus in your soil
    Phosphorus is an essential and irreplaceable chemical element for all living things....
    New strategies to mitigate salt stress
    Salinisation in Europe affects approximately 3.8 million hectares. They are severely...

    Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

    What we do

    We design and manufacture the most efficient and sustainable products for agriculture and industry


    Services to facilitate our customers’ daily tasks


    Our pillars to ensure sustainable, innovative and committed investments.


    Research, development and innovation for sustainable and responsible growth.

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