We nourish the world with sustainable and efficient solutions

We are one of the European leaders in high added value plant nutrition and environmental solutions for industry, being pioneers in the production of low carbon ammonia from renewable hydrogen


More than 25 years growing and helping to grow

Fertiberia was born in 1995 and, during these years, we have managed to become a permanent benchmark for agriculture and industry both in Spain and in Europe.

Committed to contributing to a real energy transition, and promoting continuous processes of ID i, we have evolved our activity to develop and produce:

Green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia

We are pioneering the production of low carbon ammonia by replacing natural gas with green hydrogen to develop our plant nutrition solutions, such as our Impact Zero® line.

More about low carbon hydrogen and ammonia →

Crop nutrition

State-of-the-art plant nutrition solutions with high added value that increase the competitiveness of the agricultural sector and collaborate in its ecological transition. More about crop nutrition →

Industry and other sectors

Environmental solutions for industry and other sectors, like the compound AdBlue® with which we contribute to reducing nitrous oxide emissions in vehicles with diesel engines.

More about industry and other sectors →

By 2035, our goal is to become the first carbon-neutral company in our sector, betting on low carbon ammonia and green hydrogen as the engines that will drive a sustainable future.

In 2020, we joined Triton Partners.

Triton Partners is an international investment fund, founded in 1997 with the aim of helping to build better businesses in the long term.

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To do this, it includes environmental, social and governance criteria in investment considerations and in decision-making processes. Thus, the firm invests mainly in medium-sized European companies that play an important role in their communities, dedicated to sectors such as Industrial Technology, Services, Consumption or Health.

In 2020, Triton Partners invested in Grupo Fertiberia to support management's strategy to accelerate product innovation and invest in the company's manufacturing processes to make them more efficient and respectful of the environment.


More than 25 years growing
and helping to grow

Learn about the most important milestones of our expansion and the steps we have already taken towards a zero emissions future.

  • 2023

    Van Der Reijt acquisition | Integration of 2F Ouest into Fertiberia France

  • 2022

    Start-up of the first and largest low carbon ammonia plant in Europe and launch of the Impact Zero® line, the world’s first fertiliser produced with green hydrogen | Trichodex Acquisition | Establishment of the subsidiary Fertiberia Hellas

  • 2021

    Bond issued on the Nordic Capital Market, the company’s first capital market transaction in its history

  • 2020

    Triton Partners acquires Grupo Fertiberia

  • 2014

    Construction of the new Agralia Fertilizantes, S.L.U. liquid fertiliser plant

  • 2013

    Establishment of the subsidiary Fertiberia France, S.A.S. (100%)

  • 2012

    Acquisition of Fercampo, S.A.U. (100%)

  • 2009

    Acquisition of ADP Fertilizantes, S.L.U. and its subsidiaries (100%)

  • 2008

    Acquisition of the remaining 48% of Agralia Fertilizantes, S.L.U. (100%)

  • 2006

    Acquisition of the remaining 71% of Química del Estroncio, S.A.U. (100%)

  • 2003

    Establishment of Abonos Líquidos Altorricón, S.L. (52%), now Agralia Fertilizantes, S.L.U.

  • 2000

    Establishment of the subsidiary Fertiberia La Mancha, S.L.U. (100%) | Acquisition of Fertiberia Castilla-León, S.A.U. (100%), previously known as Nitratos de Castilla, S.A.

  • 1995

    Creation of Grupo Fertiberia

Our bussines

Our commitment: to develop high-quality products and services in the most sustainable and efficient way.

We are leading the development of green hydrogen as an energy vector of the future and we aspire to produce more than 2.5 million tons of ammonia clean to decarbonise agriculture, industry, energy and transport.

We participate in the largest consortia associated with the production of green hydrogen in Europe based on the renewable electrical energy more competitive.

We have the most advanced, diversified, technological and sustainable portfolio on the market and we are the first company in the world to produce ammonia and sustainable fertilizers from green hydrogen: the line Impact Zero®.

In our center ID i we design high added value and biotechnological solutions, highly advanced and oriented to precision agriculture and organic farming.

All our activity is governed by ESG criteria. We are committed to the safety of our people, the quality of our products, the well-being of the communities in which we operate, and good corporate governance practices.

Fertiberia. Logotipo de Impact Zero

Impact Zero

We developed the world's first 0% carbon footprint plant nutrition solution, made with green hydrogen. Learn about our environmental response to the challenges of crops and the planet.


Proud of our figures

production centers
products in portfolio
+ 0
Millions of tons.
Total production capacity
logistics centers
commercial offices
Countries with commercial activity
± 0 K
People work in our group
+ 0 K
Our vision and strategy
Liderar el desarrollo del hidrógeno y el amoniaco verdes en Europa y seguir siendo referentes en el desarrollo de soluciones de nutrición vegetal excelentes.
Where we are
Conoce las sociedades comerciales, centros de producción y logísticos que conforman nuestra estructura empresarial.
Corporate governance
Nuestro equipo directivo coordina y lidera las diferentes actuaciones de la compañía para guiarnos en un camino compartido.

Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

What we do

We design and manufacture the most efficient and sustainable products for agriculture and industry


Services to facilitate our customers’ daily tasks


Our pillars to ensure sustainable, innovative and committed investments.


Research, development and innovation for sustainable and responsible growth.

Contact us

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