Leading the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia in Europe

Our commitment for 2035: to achieve climate neutrality by replacing all the fossil fuels we use in the production of hydrogen and ammonia with indigenous renewable energies.


The key to a sustainable production of our crop nutrition solutions

Green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia: from dependence on natural gas to resilience and sustainability of indigenous renewable energies

The production of our nitrogen solutions is based on ammonia. Ammonia in turn is made from water, air and hydrogen.

To meet the needs of all our customers, both agricultural and industrial, we need to produce and consume a large amount of hydrogen, namely 160,000 tonnes per year, 60% of which is produced in our own plants and the rest is imported already transformed into ammonia.

What do we use hydrogen for?

To generate ammonia which, in turn, is the basis for the production of our nitrogen fertilisers and other industrial products such as AdBlue®.

What is our challenge?

Hydrogen production is an energy-intensive process. Until now, this hydrogen has been manufactured from fossil sources such as natural gas imported from third countries, which means CO2 emissions. To achieve climate neutrality in our industrial activity, our challenge is to progressively replace all the natural gas we now use in the production of this hydrogen with renewable energy produced indigenously.

This goes hand in hand with a plan to exponentially expand our production capacity with the aim of becoming one of the world leaders in the manufacture of clean ammonia, by completing a series of projects with the ambition of generating up to 2.5 million tonnes per year.


To be at the forefront of the revolution and sustainable development of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia

We are determined to become a real agent of positive change by achieving the complete decarbonisation of our production processes by 2035 and driving the development of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia as new carbon-free energy vectors.


3 priority objectives


Pioneer green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia projects

Fertiberia is currently a pioneer and world leader in the development of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia in the world and we participate in the main European consortia associated with the production of green hydrogen.

All of them are located in privileged locations: Spain, Sweden and Norway, three of the markets with the most competitive renewable energy (solar photovoltaic, wind and hydropower) in Europe.

Fertiberia, a major consumer of green hydrogen

At Fertiberia we consume and produce about 160,000 tonnes of hydrogen per year, which allows us to produce ammonia with which we then develop our crop nutrition solutions.

We are, therefore, the major consumer of green hydrogen in all the consortia of which we form part, and we make them economically viable by guaranteeing the consumption of production from the outset.

Furthermore, we have become the first company to start up a large-scale green ammonia and green fertiliser plant in Europe, at our Puertollano facilities (Spain), where we already produce the world's first 100% sustainable and decarbonised plant nutrition solutions based on green hydrogen (Impact Zero®).

Fertiberia - Qué hacemos. Imagen para el destacado de Proyectos del apartado "Hidrógeno y Amoniaco Verde" - Mapa

Find out about our portfolio of projects, in various stages of development, with which we will promote the decarbonisation of agriculture and other sectors.

With all of these projects, we aim to produce up to 2.5 million tonnes of low carbon ammonia per year.

Onuba Project
Low carbon ammonia and low carbon fertiliser plant in Palos de la Frontera
02 General desde electrolizador_MG_5358_Iberdrola_Puertollano
H2F Project
Low carbo nhydrogen, low carbon ammonia and green fertiliser plant
H2Deal Project
The world's largest renewable hydrogen giga-project
Catalina Project
World-leading project to produce cost-effective green hydrogen on a large scale.
Power2Earth Project
The world's first 100% low carbon and emission-free ammonia and fertiliser plant in Sweden and one of the largest in the world.
Crop Nutrition
Productos for industry

Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

What we do

We design and manufacture the most efficient and sustainable products for agriculture and industry


Services to facilitate our customers’ daily tasks


Our pillars to ensure sustainable, innovative and committed investments.


Research, development and innovation for sustainable and responsible growth.

Contact us

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