All the latest news about Fertiberia

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Imagen noticia - Fertiberia TECH presenta una imagen renovada de NERGETIC COMPLETE D-OLEA SPECIAL, desarrollado para los Olivares más exigentes
Fertiberia TECH presents a renewed image of NERGETIC COMPLETE D-OLEA SPECIAL, developed for the most demanding olive groves
NERGETIC COMPLETE D-OLEA SPECIAL is part of the NERGETIC COMPLETE line and incorporates...
Imagen para ilustrar la entrega de los Premios Cátedra Fertiberia de Estudios Agroambientales, otorgados en 2023 a Jhoeel Hernán y a Belén Lostao, que muestra al jurado de los premios
ADP Fertilizantes obtains the ZERYA® certificate for biotechnological products
This certification, obtained for all Neoforce® and Profertil® products in the Fertiberia...

Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

What we do

We design and manufacture the most efficient and sustainable products for agriculture and industry


Services to facilitate our customers’ daily tasks


Our pillars to ensure sustainable, innovative and committed investments.


Research, development and innovation for sustainable and responsible growth.

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