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BIOADAPTA: the need for change in the face of climate change

BIOAdapta® is TRICHODEX's solution to the global challenge of reducing the impact of climate change on agriculture.

It is a fact that global warming negatively affects agricultural production. Abiotic and biotic stresses have become the main cause of stagnating crop productivity, as well as causing severe economic losses.

Crops have a productive genetic potential, but reaching it under current environmental conditions is unfeasible. Organochemicals have traditionally been used to bridge this production gap. Their low efficiency due to leaching problems, as well as their possible blockage in the soil, prevent them from being complete solutions. The highest plant yield depends not only on the plants' genetic potential but also on their ability to adapt to the environment.

All this leads us to the launch of BIOAdapta®. A new tool that allows an integral crop management to adapt to climate change and thus reduce the production gap effectively.

BIOAdapta® offers multi-purpose advantages and meets these objectives:

  • Facilitate and achieve efficient use of resources
  • Mitigate the effects of climate change
  • Increase crop yields
  • Increase profitability

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Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

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