All the latest news about Fertiberia

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Imagen noticia - Fertiberia TECH presenta una imagen renovada de NERGETIC COMPLETE D-OLEA SPECIAL, desarrollado para los Olivares más exigentes
Fertiberia TECH presents a renewed image of NERGETIC COMPLETE D-OLEA SPECIAL, developed for the most demanding olive groves
NERGETIC COMPLETE D-OLEA SPECIAL is part of the NERGETIC COMPLETE line and incorporates...
Fertiberia: Actualidad, Noticias. Imagen para "Fertiberia TECH lanza el nuevo C-PRO, la tecnología presente en la línea NERGETIC COMPLETE ahora con doble función, para una agricultura más eficiente y sostenible" mostrando una imagen aspiracional de un campo de cultivo.
Prepare your next season: adapt to climate change
Over the past decades, extensive research has shown the benefits of certain PGPR...
Reducing fruit drop in citrus fruits
We apply BIOKELAT Co-Mo, a product manufactured thanks to FPB® and MAMPs® technologies,...
We are renewing our certificates! UNE 142500 and UNE 315500
For the fourth consecutive year, we announce the renewal of the certification of...
Grupo Fertiberia acquires Trichodex to lead in biotechnology innovation
The acquisition improves Grupo Fertiberia's plant nutrition offer in biofertilisers...
BS-95 increases pollen viability
In trials carried out under controlled conditions on tomato variety "marmande", where...

Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

What we do

We design and manufacture the most efficient and sustainable products for agriculture and industry


Services to facilitate our customers’ daily tasks


Our pillars to ensure sustainable, innovative and committed investments.


Research, development and innovation for sustainable and responsible growth.

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