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Fertiberia launches AdBlue® for maritime transport

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The company achieves the AENOR ISO18611 quality certification for this unique solution that is produced entirely in Spain

  • This 40% urea solution is produced at the Palos de la Frontera (Huelva) plant.

Madrid,6th of November 2023 – Fertiberia consolidates its range of environmental products with the incorporation of a 40% urea solution for the abatement of NOx (nitrous oxide) gases in the maritime sector. This product thus joins the current range of AdBlue®, – with which it supplies the main oil companies, large transport fleets and car manufacturers and of which Fertiberia is the largest national producer and the only one that manufactures entirely in Spain with local raw materials in certified industrial facilities, and urea for industrial uses.

For its launch, Fertiberia has optimised the production processes to ensure that it also meets the demanding specifications required by international shipping companies, thus opening up a new segment for this solution. “We have developed a 40% aqueous urea solution that, in addition to fully meeting the requirements of our industrial customers, now allows us to also serve a market such as maritime transport, which is demanding new solutions to increase its sustainability,” says Javier Palomino, sales director of industrial products at Grupo Fertiberia.

The new 40% urea solution has achieved AENOR ISO18611 certification, essential for serving the maritime transport sector, which confirms its quality and suitability for this use.

This certification reinforces the production diversification of the Palos de la Frontera (Huelva) plant and makes it the only one in the world to obtain double ISO22241 and ISO18611 certification from AENOR. “We take advantage of the full potential of our plant, located in the Port of Huelva, a logistics-maritime hub in full expansion“, Palomino points out.

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