Fertiberia launches a new call to reward the Best Doctoral Thesis on Agricultural Subjects
- The competition annually distinguishes the best cum laude research works from universities in Spain and Portugal related to fertilization, soils, and agricultural activity.
- With a total prize of €30,000, it is one of the agronomic research awards with the highest financial endowment in Europe.
- The application period is open until May 30, 2025.
Madrid, February 3, 2025. Fertiberia announces the 27th edition of the Fertiberia Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis on Agricultural Subjects. This initiative fosters talent and research by recognizing the best academic works defended at universities in Spain and Portugal in fertilization and agronomic activity.
It is one of the most prestigious agronomic research awards in Europe, organized in collaboration with the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Centro y Canarias (COIACC) and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).
Evaluated by a jury of renowned professionals and academics, the theses competing for the award must have received the highest qualification, cum laude, in Spain or its equivalent distinction in Portugal, and must have been defended during the 2023/24 academic year.
They should focus on fertilization, soils, and their amendment, although works related to agricultural activity in general will also be considered.
The submission deadline for applications will remain open until May 30, 2025. The award guidelines can be downloaded from the Fertiberia Group’s website.
The Fertiberia Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis is one of the European agronomic research awards with the highest financial allocation. It offers a first prize of €14,000 and a runner-up prize of €5,000. Additionally, thesis supervisors will also be recognized with prizes of €8,000 and €3,000, respectively. In total, the competition will distribute prizes worth €30,000.
Applicants must send a digital copy of their doctoral thesis along with related published works, their curriculum vitae, certification from their institution accrediting their qualification, and the data protection document to:
- “Grupo Fertiberia. Calle Agustín de Foxá, 27 (8th Floor), 28036 Madrid,” indicating on the envelope Ref.: “ FERTIBERIA Awards.”
Twenty-seven editions committed to research and development in the sector
Since the award was created, more than 400 doctoral theses from 50 universities and research centres in Spain and Portugal have been considered. In addition, prizes worth close to one million Euros have been awarded, thus boosting the research capacity and talent in agronomics for professionals in the sector.