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Agriculture 2.0: producing with less fertilisers

On 6 November the Regional Government of Andalusia updated the recommendations and requirements for areas vulnerable to nitrate pollution from agricultural sources, amending the 2015 Order approving the corresponding action programme applicable in these areas. This order incorporates new measures aimed at complying with the objectives set by the European directive on the protection of water against pollution caused by nitrates used in agriculture,
including the modification of fertilisation limits, among them the amounts of nitrogen per tonne of expected production. The maximum limitations for crops such as alfalfa, rape, open-air and greenhouse vegetables, legumes, potatoes, vines and strawberries have been revised.

Areas vulnerable to nitrate contamination in Andalusia.

See source

On the other hand, among the measures proposed by the European Union for the creation of a healthy food environment, is the "Farm to Fork"
strategy, with which the Commission intends, among other things, to:

  • Reduce nutrient losses by at least 50%, without altering soil fertility.
  • Reduce fertiliser use by at least 20% by 2030.



At TRICHODEX, we have designed a sustainable alternative that allows us to reduce the consumption of nitrogen fertilisers, without causing losses in crop production and anticipating compliance with European Union guidelines. 

In trials carried out with VIBACTER at 5 l/ha and 3 applications on potatoes, where nitrogen fertilisation was reduced by 30%, we achieved a 9.8% increase in production compared to a control with 100% nitrogen fertilisation. This figure represents a profit margin for the farmer of 1,153 Euros/ha, without taking into account the lower costs due to the reduction in inputs and complying with European regulations.    
In the case of the application of VIBACTER with 100% nitrogen fertilisation, we achieved a 13.1% increase in production and a profit of 1,538 Euros/ha.

Potato productivity (tonnes per hectare)
*Increases calculated with respect to the 100%N control (Abbott's formula) (Duncan ANOVA p<0.05).

Profit margin in Euros per hectare per treatment (VIBACTER) compared to 100% N control.
Margin calculated taking into account the average potato productivity obtained and the average price per kg of potato to the farmer referring to this 2018 season
Adapting to the new limitations proposed by the commission will give us a competitive advantage, anticipating market demands.


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