Microorganisms are fundamental to the maintenance of life on Earth, yet we know little about most of them in environments such as soils, oceans, the atmosphere, and even those living on and in our own bodies.
Plant-pathogen interactions have been studied through the prism of an individual plant-microbe relationship, ignoring the complexity of such interactions and the involvement of many other groups of microorganisms that affect the outcome of infection (Pascale, 2020).
In nature, there are examples that show that soils populated with abundant beneficial microorganisms under specific physicochemical conditions reduce disease incidence and keep it under control, even at high pathogen inoculum concentrations, such as in the case of suppressive soils.

Restoration of the plant microbiome has the potential to reduce the incidence of plant diseases, increase agricultural production, reduce chemical inputs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which results in more sustainable agricultural practices. This goal is considered vital to sustain the world's growing population. (Turner et al 2013).
On the other hand, the principle of competitive exclusion tells us that:
"When two species possessing a similar ecological niche enter into competition, one outcome may be the extinction of one of them from the habitat where the competition occurs, or the modification of the niche of one of them, resulting in a certain equilibrium population level." (Moll and Brown, 2008)
With the BIOAdapta® strategy, we modify this ecological niche, displacing pathogens and promoting favourable conditions for beneficial microorganisms and plants.
Trials carried out under controlled conditions where the BIOadapta® strategy is applied to lettuce inoculated with Sclerotina spp. have reduced the incidence of the disease by more than 40% in conditions where 100% of the plants are affected.

Percentage incidence at the end of the trial
* ANOVA Tukey p<0.05

This strategy was carried out in strawberry trials with root diseases, where the introduction of BIOadapta® achieved a 67% reduction in dead plants.

Number of dead plants per tunnel at the end of the 2020-2021 season in a trial of the variety "Fortuna"

BIOAdapta® is a different strategy that brings the super ingredients present in nature back to the field, using highly innovative biotechnological processes.
We have used the action of microorganisms, bioelicitors and enzymes to promote an ULTRA productive crop adapted to adverse conditions.
Moll, J.D. and Brown, J.S. (2008). Competition and Coexistence with Multiple Life-History Stages. American Naturalist 171, 839-843.
Pascale, A., Proietti, S., Pantelides, I. S., & Stringlis, I. A. (2020). Modulation of the root microbiome by plant molecules: the basis for targeted disease suppression and plant growth promotion. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 1741.
Turner, T. R., James, E. K., & Poole, P. S. (2013). The plant microbiome. Genome biology, 14(6), 1-10.