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BIOCLEAN LKE® against Alternaria

The European Commission's "Farm to Fork” strategy, which is part of the European Green Deal, aims to move the EU's current food system towards a sustainable model. The measures aim to address challenges such as extreme weather events, phytosanitary and animal health problems and shortages of key inputs, energy or labour (


Within the roadmap set out until 2030, it aims for a 50% reduction in the use of chemical pesticides. These measures encourage the use of phytosanitary products containing low-risk active substances (many of which are non-chemical substances) and discourage the use of phytosanitary products containing the most hazardous substances. Hence the elimination of widely used plant protection active substances such as Mancozeb, which was eliminated in October 2020.

This active substance allowed the control of diseases such as: alternaria in citrus fruits; downy mildew black rot and phomopsis in grapevines; monilia in stone fruit trees; repilo in olive trees; persimmon leaf spot or downy mildew in horticultural crops. The search for alternatives that cover the needs previously covered by synthetic active substances is a priority for TRICHODEX®. For this reason, studies have been conducted to evaluate the use of BIOCLEAN LKE® as a substitute for mancozeb in the control of Alternaria sp on citrus fruits.

The tests were conducted in a representative area of citrus cultivation in southern Spain. Specifically in the municipality of San Bartolomé de la TorreHuelva on the "Nova” variety. The test was conducted according to the following treatment plant:

Table 1. Treatment plan:

BIOCLEAN LKE® strategy ✅ 16.32% more efficient on fruit

Figure 1 – Percentage incidence on fruit
E: Abbott
T-student efficacy formula p<0.05 WITH NO STATISTICAL DIFFERENCE

With BIOCLEAN LKE® applications, we achieved:

  • In all the parameters evaluated, the replacement of mancozeb with BIOCLEAN LKE® produces similar disease control at a statistical level.
  • We increased efficacy compared to conventional treatment (mancozeb) by 16.3% in the incidence measure.
  • BIOCLEAN LKE® is an effective alternative to replace the EU-banned active substance (mancozeb).
  • No residues, no resistance


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