The increase in relative humidity and the presence of free water in recent days has favoured the appearance of foliar diseases on crops. Grey rot caused by Botrytis cinerea is one of the most common and widespread diseases, appearing in vegetables, fruit trees, ornamental plants and crop fields all over the world. In greenhouses, it is one of the most frequent diseases, due to the high humidity conditions that favour the development of the pathogen.
This disease leads to important economic losses, occurring both during the crop cycle and later during harvesting, storage and transport of the harvest. Among the most serious damage caused by the disease are:

- Death in seedlings in post- and pre-emergence
- Brown, spreading lesions on leaves.
- Necrosis of stem and petioles
- Flower abortion
- Fruit rot in pre- and post-harvest.

8 cc/l biological reference
- Agrios, G. N. (2005). Plant diseases caused by fungi. Plant pathology, 4.