Bureau Veritas certifies Grupo Fertiberia's responsible management and good anti-corruption practices.

Bureau Veritas awards UNE 19601 and ISO 37001 certificates to the company's anti-bribery and criminal risk management compliance system

  • Bureau Veritas has awarded Fertiberia S.A. and its subsidiaries Fertiberia La Mancha, Fertiberia Castilla-León, Fercampo, Agralia and Química del Estroncio the UNE 19601 and ISO 37001 certificates certifying that their criminal and anti-bribery compliance system is an effective tool for preventing crime, reducing risks and managing illegal conduct.
  • Both certificates are accredited by ENAC (National Accreditation Entity) and endorse the company's responsible management and good practices in this area.

Bureau Veritas was the independent certification body in charge of the evaluation and external control, verifying that the company's criminal and anti-bribery Compliancesystem complies with the requirements established in national standard UNE 19601 and international standard ISO 37001, which means recognition of Spanish regulatory and international anti-bribery standard compliance. The certificates have been awarded to the company's companies in Spain and are valid for 3 years.

"Grupo Fertiberia's trajectory is guided by a corporate culture based on business ethics and strict legal compliance. Therefore, the awarding of these certificates is recognition of the principles and values that guide our actions in our business, as well as our commitment to transparency and good governance", said Javier Goñi, CEO of Grupo Fertiberia. In this sense, the company defends zero tolerance, both internally and in its relations with agents, customers and suppliers, against any type of criminal practice and, in particular, against corruption.

"With these two certifications, Fertiberia demonstrates its commitment to good business practices and strict control of any fraudulent activity that may arise within the company," said Pedro Gonzalez, Director of Corporate Governance Certification at Bureau Veritas, during the certificate presentation ceremony.

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