Grow-IN Project



The Grow-IN project aims to design and develop a range of inductive fertiliser products which improve nutrition and crop development.

Inductive fertilisation: improving nutrition and crop development

The evolution that is happening in Spain and in neighbouring countries towards a more modern and more technology-oriented agriculture, where sustainability and productivity are essential requirements for the survival of the agricultural sector, opens up endless opportunities for innovation.

  • At Fertiberia, we wanted to take on this challenge, firmly committed to research and innovation as a way to contribute to improving the company's competitiveness and growth.


The current agronomic trend calls for more effective fertilisers, increased product efficiency, sustainability and safety in order to achieve higher productivity.

  • The Grow-In project aims to initiate a new philosophy in the application of fertilisers in which nutrients are supplemented with other substances or compounds that improve vegetative development and plant-fertiliser interaction.

The new compounds will form bridges between the plant and the nutrients, achieving optimal nutrient utilisation.

  • The general objective of the project is to design and develop a range of inductive fertiliser products which improve nutrition and crop development.

The Grow-IN project is carried out with the collaboration of CDTI.

The innovative approach of the Grow-IN project, aimed at the design and development of fertiliser products with inductive activity to improve productivity in a sustainable way, is an example of modern biotechnology that seeks to create more efficient and safer fertilisers. If you are interested in learning more about related initiatives and how biotechnology in agriculture is transforming the sector, we invite you to explore our dedicated biotechnology page.





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Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

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