Restore the microbiome and mitigate the effects of stress on your crop

Less than a month before the start of strawberry field planting and within the context of a campaign marked by restrictions on the use of soil disinfectants, farmers are faced with a lack of alternatives to ensure the sanitary viability of their crops. Given this scenario, it is essential to incorporate new solutions, such as biofertilisers, which are key allies to ensure crop health and productivity.

TRICHODEX® is aware of this challenge and addresses this problem as a company with expertise in agricultural biotechnology. Developing new technologies to restore the microbiome and reduce the effects of stress on crops. Thus successfully reducing the impact of climate change on agriculture through highly innovative biotechnological processes.

A healthy and balanced microbiome is the best way to protect your crops, as it plays an important role in plant development and the way plants cope with stress.

Optimising new microbial consortia is a daunting research task, being dedicated to not only the study of microorganisms, but also to their interaction with the plant and the environment they inhabit.

04-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Restaura el microbioma y mitiga los efectos del estrés en tu cultivo" mostrando el cronograma para la optimización y comercialización de un biofertilizante microbiano
Figure 1. Timeline for the optimisation and marketing of a microbial biofertiliser.

Our registered biofertilisers have extensive experience in cultivating strawberries of the different varieties that exist on the market, obtaining very satisfactory results, as shown in the figure.

04-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Restaura el microbioma y mitiga los efectos del estrés en tu cultivo" mostrando mejores resultados de VIBACTER y BACNIFOS a lo largo de diferentes campañas de fresa
Figure 2 Best results of VIBACTER® and BACNIFOS® throughout different strawberry campaigns.

The 2023-2024 campaign was marked by weather events (Storm Bernard, high temperatures in winter and rain during Easter Week), as well as uncertainty regarding the availability of irrigation in the Doñana area at the beginning of the campaign, which caused a delay in planting and therefore crop production (MAPA [Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food] ,2024).

Under these conditions, the advantages of our biofertilisers in strawberry cultivation have been proven. Using VIBACTER® on the “Inspire” strawberry variety, incorporated into irrigation at the crop’s 4 stages, increases the harvest by 32.61%, surpassing the commercial reference and offering benefits for the farmer equal to 18,600 euros/ha.

04-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Restaura el microbioma y mitiga los efectos del estrés en tu cultivo" mostrando un gráfico con la producción acumulada en la campaña 2023.2024 en el cultivo de la fresa var "Inspire" tras aplicar Vibacter
Figure 3. Cumulative production (g/plant) in the 2023-2024 campaign of the “Inspire” strawberry variety crop.
*Production increases compared to the control without microorganisms.
*Data from 28 collections provided by the farmer.
04-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Restaura el microbioma y mitiga los efectos del estrés en tu cultivo" mostrando un gráfico con los márgenes de beneficio respecto al control sin tratar (euros/ha) tras aplicar Vibacter
Figure 4. Profit margins compared to the untreated control (euros/ha).
Strawberry producer price in the region during the 2023-2024 harvest campaign: €1.85/kg.
04-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Restaura el microbioma y mitiga los efectos del estrés en tu cultivo" mostrando dos fotografías con detalle de las parcelas experimentales
Photo 1. Detail of the experimental plots.

The results obtained in the trial carried out with BACNIFOS® on the “Inspire” strawberry variety are shown below.

Plants treated with BACNIFOS® produce a total of 623.81 g/plant, compared to 515.10 g/plant with the treatment of the commercial reference (Bacillus sp.) and 489.37 g/plant in the control. This represents a production increase of 27.47% in the plots treated with BACNIFOS® compared to the control. The commercial reference obtains a production increase of 5.26%, a percentage much lower than the TRICHODEX® strategy. This increase entailed a benefit for the farmer of 15,669 euros/ha.

04-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Restaura el microbioma y mitiga los efectos del estrés en tu cultivo" mostrando un gráfico con la producción acumulada en la campaña 2023-2024 en el cultivo de la fresa var "Inspire" tras aplicar Bacnifos
Figure 5. Cumulative production (g/plant) in the 2023-2024 campaign of the “Inspire” strawberry variety crop.
*Production increases compared to the control without microorganisms.
*Data from 28 collections provided by the farmer.
04-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Restaura el microbioma y mitiga los efectos del estrés en tu cultivo" mostrando un gráfico con los márgenes de beneficio respecto al control sin tratar tras aplicar Bacnifos
Figure 6. Profit margins compared to the untreated control (euros/ha).
Data provided by the Farmer. Strawberry producer price in the region during the 2023-2024 harvest campaign: €1.85/kg.

This same strategy was evaluated on the “Marquis” strawberry variety, where the plants treated with BACNIFOS® produced a total of 20,185 kg/ha, compared to 15,566 kg/ha in the control plot during the experimental period. This represents a production increase of 29.68% in the plot treated with BACNIFOS® compared to the control. This production increase has a profit margin of 8,545 euros/ha.

04-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Restaura el microbioma y mitiga los efectos del estrés en tu cultivo" mostrando un gráfico con la producción acumulada en la campaña 2023.2024 en el cultivo de la fresa var "Marquis"
Figure 7. Cumulative production (g/plant) in the 2023-2024 campaign of the “Marquis” strawberry variety crop.
*Production increases compared to the control without microorganisms.
*Data from 47 collections provided by the farmer.
04-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Restaura el microbioma y mitiga los efectos del estrés en tu cultivo" mostrando un gráfico con los márgenes de beneficio respecto al control sin tratar
Figure 8. Profit margins compared to the untreated control (euros/ha).
Data provided by the Farmer. Strawberry producer price in the region during the 2023-2024 harvest campaign: €1.85/kg.
04-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Restaura el microbioma y mitiga los efectos del estrés en tu cultivo" mostrando un gráfico con el resumen de la campaña 2023-2024
2023-2024 Campaign Summary

All these results once again demonstrate how the use of PGPR bacteria-based products optimises the nutritional and physiological status of the plant and prepares it for future challenges.


* Images in Spanish

To find out more about what biotechnology is, its types and applications, the AgroTech and BioTech projects that we carry out at Fertiberia, and the biotechnological products that we develop, visit our specific section with related information. 

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