Fertiberia. Logotipo de TRICHODEX

Bioprotection solutions

Protecting crops through biotechnology

Fertiberia - Nuestras empresas. Icono de Bioprotectores, de la empresa TRICHODEX


Bioprotective products. Of a natural, plant and/or microbial origin.

Of a natural, plant and/or microbial origin, we produce this bioprotection solution by liquid, solid or two-stage fermentation.

The products that we develop have a biocontrol effect on diseases and pests and do not create resistance and are safe for the farmer and the auxiliary fauna, i.e., zero residue.

Imagen que muestra producto Bioclean de la categoría Bioscience
With a fungicidal and stimulating effect on natural defence mechanisms against a wide range of pathogenic fungi.
Imagen que muestra producto Enzymatic de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex.
Fungicide with a high drying power that halts the development of diseases, increasing the effectiveness of other fungicide products.
Imagen que muestra producto SQ-6 de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex
Poly-D-glucosamine elicitor obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis that activates plant defence mechanisms.
Imagen que muestra producto Velltrix de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex
Inducing power. Low molecular weight elicitor, obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis. Bactericidal and fungicidal, SAR activator.
Imagen que muestra el producto Tidal de la categoría Bioscience
Biological metabolites resulting from FPB technology with a "priming effect".
Imagen que muestra el producto Trichopper de la categoría Bioscience
Microencapsulated copper heptagluconate, with systemic action and rapid absorption, preventing absorption deficiencies.
Imagen que muestra producto Lisophos de la categoría Bioscience, de Trichodex.
Formulated with vegetable lecithin. Increases the elasticity of the fruit skin, preventing cracking and the entry of pathogens.
Where we are
What we do

Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

What we do

We design and manufacture the most efficient and sustainable products for agriculture and industry


Services to facilitate our customers’ daily tasks


Our pillars to ensure sustainable, innovative and committed investments.


Research, development and innovation for sustainable and responsible growth.

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