With the flowering of crops such as peaches, nectarines, cherries, plums, apricots and almonds. It is time to start with preventive applications against diseases such as Monilia, thus avoiding severe damage to production.

Brown rot or Monilia is an airborne disease caused by two pathogens: Monilinia laxa and Monilinia fructigena. The disease attacks fruit trees in rainy conditions during flowering and fruit ripening. The disease affects crops such as: peach, nectarine, cherries, plums, apricots and almonds with approximately the same severity.
Damage occurs mainly to the fruit on the tree, but the most serious losses are in the transport and marketing of the harvested product. Crop yields are reduced due to the destruction of flowers by the disease.
Under high incidence conditions, 50-75% of the crop may be lost, not including losses occurring during marketing of the fruit.
As a preventive measure, affected flowers and branches should be removed as soon as possible, thus reducing the available inoculum of the pathogen, which will produce fruit infections later in the season or will remain dormant in overwintering (inoculum for the next season).
Disease control should be initiated with treatments from the time the buds are in bloom (showing pink) until petal fall. The choice of a fungicide that controls the disease, but which can also be applied at critical times of the crop such as fruit ripening, is essential. Under conditions of high disease incidence, Monilia control is difficult.
The application of BIOCLEAN®️ LKE achieves optimum results in the control of this disease under conditions of high incidence, achieving 100% inhibition of the pathogen in in vitro tests. The joint action with TRICHOBOT®️ enhances its results. In addition, both products can be applied during flowering without causing abortions or damage to flowers.

In field trials carried out with these two formulations on nectarine crops, we managed to reduce the percentage of affected fruit 10 days after harvesting by 49.09% in the case of BIOCLEAN LKE and 54.55% with TRICHOBOT.

The design of an integrated strategy allows significant levels of damage reduction to be achieved. Both BIOCLEAN®️ LKE and TRICHOBOT®️ are products suitable for organic farming that do not leave residues on the crop and have direct effects on the development of Monilia in post-harvest.