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Jhoeel Hernán and Belén Lostao, Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies Award Winners

Imagen para ilustrar la entrega de los Premios Cátedra Fertiberia de Estudios Agroambientales, otorgados en 2023 a Jhoeel Hernán y a Belén Lostao, que muestra al jurado de los premios

Both have been awarded for their research work in the field of fertilisers and their influence on agricultural production

  • • These awards were presented during UPM’s graduation ceremony held at the School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering.

Madrid, 05/10/2023 – Agri-environmental innovation is awarded once again this year at the Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies Awards ceremony at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). The students Jhoeel Hernán and Belén Lostao received awards for their thesis and dissertation, respectively, where, in addition to applying and developing the knowledge acquired during the academic period, they have tackled with excellence new fields of study of great value for the development of environmentally friendly agriculture.

These awards were presented during UPM graduation ceremony held at the School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering.

  • This year, int the category of “Fertilisers, fertilisation or their influence on plant production”, Jhoeel Hernán Uvidia Armijo’s thesis entitled “Impacto de la utilización de cenizas volcánicas como fertilizante sobre la fertilidad de los suelos agrícolas y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero” (Impact of the use of volcanic ash as a fertiliser on the fertility of agricultural soils and greenhouse gas emissions), was awarded.
  • In the category “Relationship of agricultural systems with the environment”, the award went to Belén Lostao Fernández-Lomana’s dissertation entitled “Análisis de la agricultura en los Mercados Voluntarios de Carbono. Caso de aplicación en España” (Analysis of agriculture in Voluntary Carbon Markets. Case of application in Spain).

When we see all the talent that is generated in these classrooms, we reinforce our conviction that the union between business and university research is not only necessary, but also deeply enriching,” said Javier Goñi, CEO of Grupo Fertiberia, during the ceremony. “We need talented researchers and professionals, because technology, however much it advances, is only a means that makes no sense if the right people are not behind it“, he added.

With an economic endowment of 1,000 Euros, the awards promoted by Fertiberia in collaboration with the UPM recognise theses, dissertations or projects of excellent quality in the field of fertilisation and fertilisers, their influence on agricultural production and crop quality, and on the environment presented each academic year at Polytechnic University of Madrid centres.

  • In the selection process, theses or dissertations that propose novel solutions or options that minimise the environmental impact of the use of fertilisers, both from the point of view of products and their application, are valued.
  • Likewise, aspects such as the degree of complexity and difficulty of the project, the personal contribution of the student and its scope at a training-professional level are also taken into account.

The jury, presided by Augusto Arce Martínez, Director of the Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies, was made up of Inés Mínguez Tudela, professor in the Department of Agricultural Production at the UPM School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering; Ana Obrador Pérez, professor in the Department of Food Chemistry and Technology at the same centre; as well as the heads of Grupo Fertiberia: Pilar García-Serrano Jiménez, Director of Market Studies and Research; Javier Brañas Lasala, Director of R&D&I; and Javier González Paloma, Director of Agronomic Innovation.

More about the Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies

The Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies, established in April 2007 as a result of the collaboration between the company and the Polytechnic University of Madrid, has as its priority objective research in the field of environmentally friendly fertilisation that contributes to the development of competitive and sustainable agriculture.

Directed by Augusto Arce Martínez, it carries out a wide range of actions such as promoting R&D&I projects, sponsoring specific studies, organising dissemination and diffusion activities, and collaborating in training programmes for UPM students, among others.

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