Project description
The Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies Awards to the Best Projects and Theses give recognition, since their creation in 2007, to high quality projects and bacehelor's and master's theses that are produced at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. These should be directly related to the area of fertilisation and fertilisers, how they influence agricultural output, the quality of harvests, and the environment.
Two projects are awarded each year: the subject of one of them must be directly related to fertilisers, fertilisation or their influence on plant production, while the other project must deal with the relationship between agricultural systems and the environment.
The jury takes into account the novelty of the work, its degree of complexity and difficulty, the personal contribution of the student and the scope of the work at a training-professional level, particularly valuing those papers that propose novel solutions or options capable of minimising the environmental impact involved in the use of fertilisers, both from the point of view of fertiliser products and their application.
2023/2024 Edition closed
- Download the documentation for the current edition here.
- Check out the latest winners here.
Workshop on Fertilisation for Sustainable Agriculture
Since 2008, the Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies has been organising this workshop every year to discuss topics of interest for professionals and students related to the agricultural world.
The Workshop, which takes place at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), is a benchmark in the sector and has brought together a large number of professionals at each of its editions: representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the Autonomous Communities, agricultural associations, researchers, university professors and students linked to agriculture. This Workshop is a highly valued event, both for the interest of the topics covered and for the technical and scientific quality of the speakers who have taken part in successive editions.
15th Workshop (2024)
- The next Workshop will take place on 21 March 2024. Check out the documentation here.
Report 2023
*PDFs only available in Spanish.
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