The global shortage of water resources, together with soil salinisation, are abiotic factors limiting crop development. It is estimated that 50% of arable land will be affected by these types of stress by 2050.
Moreover, land degradation and chemical abuse lead to a decline in agricultural production, at a time when it is necessary to produce more than 70% of all food for a growing world population that will reach 9.5 billion by 2050.
In soils with an excess of salts (Na+), toxicity and ionic imbalance occur. This triggers the disruption of vital metabolic processes such as protein synthesis, enzyme reactions and ribosome functions. The high concentration of sodium leads to competition with other essential nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, ammonium, nitrate and phosphate.
The accumulation of salts in the rhizospheric areas causes a physiological drought in plants which affects the stomatal physiology by reducing photosynthesis and plant growth.
The microbiome represents a new paradigm for agriculture, plays a very important role in plant development and has various strategies that help plants to cope with types of biotic and abiotic stress.

Microorganisms mitigate salt stress by reducing the synthesis of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and facilitating nutrient availability. They also regulate the expression of genes responsible for producing various phytohormones, antioxidant enzymes (ACC deaminase), siderophores, volatile organic compounds, ROS scavenging enzymes and other substances.
BACNIFOS® is a biofertiliser registered in Spain based on 2 PGPR microorganisms selected for their high capacity to produce ACC deaminase, an anti-stress microbial enzyme.
The application of BACNIFOS® at 4 stages of the raspberry crop in soils with a mean conductivity of 2.320 mS/cm, manages to mitigate the damages, leading to an increase in the harvest of 21.5% compared to the control.

We also obtained a 15.3% increase in the number of fruits compared to the control without microorganisms.

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- Informe mundial de recursos del suelo de la FAO 2000, Organización de las naciones unidas para la alimentación y la agricultura Roma, 2012.Respuesta del rendimiento de los cultivos al agua, estudio fao: riego y drenaje 66.
- Mi-Seon Hahm, Jin-Soo Son, Ye-Ji Hwang, Duk-Ki Kwon y Sa-Youl Ghim. 2017 Alleviation of Salt Stress in Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Plants by Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria , JMB , DOI: 10.4014/jmb.1609.09042
- Subramanian P, Kim K, Krishnamoorthy R, Mageswari A, Selvakumar G, Sa T. 2016 Cold Stress Tolerance in Psychrotolerant Soil Bacteria and Their Conferred Chilling Resistance in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) under Low Temperatures. PLoS ONE 11(8): e0161592. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161592
- Ali, B., Hafeez, A., Javed, M. A., Afridi, M. S., Abbasi, H. A., Qayyum, A., … & Selim, S. (2022). Role of endophytic bacteria in salinity stress amelioration by physiological and molecular mechanisms of defense: A comprehensive review. South African Journal of Botany, 151, 33-46.
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