“Ammonia Separator Cylinder” Project


in progress

Funded by the Reindus programme, it consists of the manufacture and assembly of a new ammonia separator cylinder at our Puertollano plant.

What does the project involve?

The supply of materials and the on-site manufacture and assembly of a new ammonia separator cylinder that will replace the current high-pressure separator. In addition, new electronic levels will be installed and a new bedplate and support for the equipment will be built.

New ammonia separator cylinder

It shall be manufactured taking into account current design and technology for this type of equipment.

  • It will consist of a single layer of material and will be manufactured and installed using the most modern welding materials and processes.

In addition, new electronic levels will be installed to replace current ones (pneumatic differential pressure levels), as these are in an advanced state of deterioration and, because of the type of technology they use, give rise to measurement errors due to evaporation in the level intake branch.

  • The new electronic levels will be more efficient and will meet the safety needs stipulated according to the SIL methodology (Safety Integrity Level: an international parameter used to classify the functional safety of a system and reduce potential risks).

Other relevant data

Imagen para el Proyecto "Botella Separadora de Amoniaco" de la planta de Puertollano, dentro de proyectos industriales, mostrando que la financiación del proyecto se enclava dentro del Programa de Apoyo Financiero de Reindustrialización y Fomento de la Competitividad Industrial del Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo

* Image in Spanish





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