FILE EAE19/21/0021 – New control project for the Puertollano air compressor steam turbine



This project involves replacing the current air compressor steam turbine controller at our Puertollano plant.

Working to improve energy efficiency in our plants

The main objective of this project is to reduce energy consumption in our ammonia production plant in Puertollano by replacing the current steam turbine controller of the process air compressor of the ammonia plant with a more efficient, state-of-the-art one.

  • This project involves replacing the current air compressor steam turbine controller at our Puertollano plant with a more modern and efficient one in order to achieve greater energy efficiency.

Currently, the air compressor operates at a constant rotation speed, regardless of the plant’s capacity. The system for regulating the air flow to the process consists of an automatic valve located upstream of the compressor, which, under normal operating conditions, introduces a pressure drop of 1.1 bar. Therefore, the improvement is determined by the capacity of this new controller to optimise the consumption of high pressure steam in the turbine to the instantaneous conditions of the plant by varying the speed of the turbine, making it possible to dispense with the automatic valve and avoiding energy losses in it.

The reduction in high-pressure steam consumption in the turbine allows more steam to be available for other uses in the medium-pressure steam network, which means less natural gas consumption in the auxiliary boiler, thus obtaining the desired reduction in CO2 emissions.

Other project data

*Image in Spanish

Imagen con la descripción de la actuación para el proyecto "EXPEDIENTE EAE19/21/0021 - Proyecto nuevo control de la turbina de vapor del compresor de aire en Puertollano" dentro de los proyectos industriales de Fertiberia (I+D+i)
    • Royal Decree 263/2019 of 12 April published in BOE (Official State Gazette) no. 89 of 13/04/2019.
    • Fertiberia has received a grant for its energy saving and efficiency project “New control of the air compressor steam turbine to improve energy efficiency”, a project under IDAE aid and Department of Sustainable Development co-financed by the European Union within the Operational Programme FEDER 2014-2020 with the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), coordinated by the IDAE and managed by the autonomous regions, funded by the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the aim of achieving a cleaner and more sustainable economy.
    • The project saves 138.6 eto/year.
    • Beneficiary: Fertiberia
    • Total investment: € 201,509.48
    • Amount of aid: € 60,452.84


Registration date: 12/30/2019


Total investment: € 201,509.48 Amount of aid: € 60,452.84

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