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Trichodex will once again be present at fruit attraction the international trade fair of the fruit and vegetable sector

  • TRICHODEX® Grupo Fertiberia, once again, will consolidate its presence at Fruit Attraction, providing biotechnological and sustainable solutions to the agricultural sector for this great space of knowledge transfer in the use of microorganisms applied in our sector.
  • TRICHODEX® is a biotechnological company dedicated to the research, development and innovation of biofertilisers, biostimulants and bioprotectants with high added value, essential registered solutions for the sector.

The Fruit Attraction International Trade Fair is the most relevant international event of the sector, where TRICHODEX® will be sending our CEO, Dr. Khalid Akdi, and our Global Market Development, Daniel Jimenez, who will participate with the presentation entitled:

“Defying drought: Key microbiome in adaptation to water stress.”

The global scarcity of water resources together with soil salinisation are becoming abiotic factors that limit plant development, and it is estimated that 50% of arable land will be affected by these types of stress by 2050 (FAO). In recent years, unusual temperature values and an average reduction in precipitation are being recorded, leading to extreme drought situations (AEMET, 2023).

A healthy and balanced microbiome is the best way to protect your crops, as it plays an important role in plant development and the way plants cope with water stress.

Aware of this global challenge, TRICHODEX®, specialised in biotechnology applied to agriculture, is actively addressing this issue.

  • By developing new technologies that focus on restoring the soil microbiome and alleviating the devastating effects of water scarcity on crops.
  • It therefore reduces the impact of climate change on agriculture through highly innovative products such as VIBACTER®, BACNIFOS® and FINDER®.

Participating in this encounter gives TRICHODEX® Grupo Fertiberia the possibility to present first-hand the specialities of the group’s business model and corporate culture, transmitting and driving the brand towards improvements in relation to the aims and objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

*Links and images about Fruit Attraction, in Spanish

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