Brassica: the driving force behind fruit and vegetable production in Spain

The Brassica genus plays an especially important role in agriculture worldwide, encompassing several species commonly known as cabbages. This genus includes key crops such as cauliflower, cabbage, rapini and rapeseed, among others. Brassica species belong to the Brassicaceae family, also known as the cruciferous family, given the cross-shaped arrangement of the petals on their flowers. 

The three most studied and cultivated species in this group are Brassica rapa (which includes rapini, turnip and turnip greens), Brassica oleracea (which includes collard greens, cabbage and fodder cabbage) and Brassica napus (known as rutabaga). These species are noted for their high nutritional value and their considerable adaptability to a wide range of agroclimatic conditions. 

20-12-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Brassica: el motor de la producción hortofrutícola en España", TRICHOBOT, mostrando tipos de cultivos que agrupa el género Brassica
Figure 1. Type of crops included in the Brassica genus (Corona and Hernández, 2019)

Spain is one of the leading producers of brassica vegetables in Europe, particularly noteworthy in the export of broccoli and cauliflower. Most of the production is concentrated in the Region of Murcia, Andalusia and the Valencian Community (Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 2023). 

At the European level, Spain represents 34.4% of total cauliflower and broccoli production (FAOSTAT, 2022) with 677,280 tonnes. This production has been increasing over the last 10 years. 

20-12-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Brassica: el motor de la producción hortofrutícola en España", TRICHOBOT, mostrando un gráfico con la producción de coliflor y brécol en Europa y España en los últimos 10 años (a 2022)
Figure 2. Cauliflower and broccoli production in Europe and Spain over the last 10 years (FAOSTAT, 2022). 2022: Cauliflower and broccoli production in Spain: 677,290. Cauliflower and broccoli production in the European Union (27): 1,969,120.

Increasing the production of this crop is a top priority for farmers, providing an opportunity to improve profitability and meet growing market demand. In this context, TRICHODEX® Grupo Fertiberia conducted certified field trials on the cauliflower crop with the application of  TRICHOBOT®, obtaining a production increase of 14.01% and increasing the number of harvestable cauliflower heads by 17.34%

The application of  TRICHOBOT® optimises plant metabolism, promoting an increase in the greenness index and crop production. This is due to the components of its formulation and the FPB® multi-stage fermentation process that makes TRICHOBOT® a formulation with quick absorption and translocation through plant tissues. 

20-12-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Brassica: el motor de la producción hortofrutícola en España", TRICHOBOT, mostrando un gráfico con incremento de producción
Figure 3. Production (kg/ha).
20-12-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Brassica: el motor de la producción hortofrutícola en España", TRICHOBOT, mostrando un gráfico con el incremento de coliflores cosechables por parcela
Figure 4. Number of harvestable cauliflower heads per plot.
20-12-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Brassica: el motor de la producción hortofrutícola en España", TRICHOBOT, mostrando un gráfico con valores de índice de vegetación de diferencia normalizada obtenidos a través de mediciones en las hojas de coliflor sometidas a diferentes tratamientos
Figure 5. Normalised Difference Vegetation Index values obtained through measurements on Cauliflower leaves subjected to different treatments (control and TRICHOBOT®). (T-student p<0.001).
20-12-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen interior del post "Brassica: el motor de la producción hortofrutícola en España", TRICHOBOT, mostrando fotos con detalle de las parcelas de ensayo
Photo 1. Detail of the test plots.




  • Domesticación de las plantas. June 2019. Paulina Corona Tejeda, Johnattan Hernández-Cumplido. 
  • Giménez Haro, M. (2024).Informe sobre la viabilidad de la gestión integrada de plagas en Brasicáceas en una parcela de demostración de cultivos hortícolas en el término municipal de Valencia (Doctoral dissertation, Universitat Politècnica de València). 
  • FAOSTAT 2022, 

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