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Citomastic® in broccoli

Broccoli cultivation is becoming increasingly more important, with national production rising. This is favoured by the plant's versatility towards numerous types of soils, relative resistance to salinity and adaptation to the different climates in producing areas. On the other hand, the exploitation for its use as fresh produce, mainly for export, without forgetting its use in the cold industry, allows it have an enormous marketing potential.

The application of optimal cultural techniques, as well as the use of biostimulants, leads to a better vegetative development of the plant, and therefore to a higher yield and greater profitability of the crop. 

One of the most important characteristics of a biostimulant is that it boosts crop photosynthesis through the intervention of certain metabolic processes. CITOMASTIC® is an enzyme catalyst specially indicated to increase the photosynthetic rate and metabolic activity of crops, improving yield and crop quality.

CITOMASTIC®improves photosynthesis through the activation of the enzyme RuBisCO, the metabolic and enzymatic activity of the plant, increasing fruit yield and quality. RuBisCO is a limiting factor of photosynthesis in plants. In the last 20 years, great efforts have been made to increase the efficiency of the carboxylase activity of the RuBisCO enzyme in order to reduce crop yield losses. The application of CITOMASTIC® facilitates the photosynthetic activity that is stimulated by its action on RuBisCO by promoting its carboxylation phase and allowing a higher CO2 fixation in plants. More carbon in the tissues triggers a higher production of carbohydrates in the plant.

In the presence of a higher carbohydrate content, its zinc content regulates carbohydrate metabolism by transporting them to the sites of active consumption (fruit, roots, tuber) as sucrose (soluble sugars) or as starch (reserve sugars). A higher concentration of sucrose (carbon) in the roots provides the necessary energy to the roots to increase the absorption rate of other nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu).

The evaluation of this behaviour in different horticultural species and at different stages of the crop is essential to know how effective it is.

In this aspect, studies carried out in broccoli crops with CITOMASTIC® have shown that the addition of CITOMASTIC® at head initiation is much more effective than in the middle of the formation process (15 days later). 

The test was carried out in two independent "Marathon" variety broccoli plots and yield increases of 27-42% were obtained, with statistical differences with the control. 

Yield distribution obtained in the first and second plot tested (kg/m2)

Increases in yields obtained in the first and second plot tested (kg/m2)

With CITOMASTIC , we achieve:

  1. Improved photosynthetic efficiency of the crop. 
  2. Improved metabolic and enzymatic activity of the crop. 
  3. Improved efficiency in mineral nutrient absorption. 
  4. Increased crop yield. 


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