All the latest news about Fertiberia

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Fertiberia: Actualidad, Noticias. Imagen para "Fertiberia y Orica completan la primera voladura con Nitrato Amónico Técnico bajo en carbono en España" mostrando el producto en el terreno de la voladura
Orica and Fertiberia complete first low-carbon Ammonium Nitrate blast in Spain
Orica (ASX: ORI) and Fertiberia have partnered to successfully execute the first...
Imagen para la noticia "Fertiberia lanza un AdBlue para el transporte marítimo" mostrando un buque mercante
Fertiberia launches AdBlue® for maritime transport
The company achieves the AENOR ISO18611 quality certification for this unique solution...
Water is life, Velltrix is life
Biotechnology and agriculture join forces for responsible water management: Velltrix...
TRICHODEX® launches VIBACTER, BACNIFOS and FINDER to bring new solutions that help...
TRICHODEX renews, once again, the UNE 142500 and 315500 certification
We announce the renewal of the certification of our products under the new UNE standard...
We have been manufacturers since 1991
The steps for marketing an innovative agricultural input, from the conception of...
Mancozeb, the last fungicide to be withdrawn in the EU
On 23 October, the European Commission authorised the non-renewal of the fungicide...

Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

What we do

We design and manufacture the most efficient and sustainable products for agriculture and industry


Services to facilitate our customers’ daily tasks


Our pillars to ensure sustainable, innovative and committed investments.


Research, development and innovation for sustainable and responsible growth.

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