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Gallo Group joins forces with Fertiberia to use low-carbon crop nutrition solutions with the aim of producing more sustainable durum wheat

Imagen para el interior de la noticia "Grupo Gallo se alía con Fertiberia para utilizar fertilizantes con bajas emisiones de carbono con el objetivo de producir trigo duro más sostenible" mostrando el cierre del acuerdo entre directivos

Gallo Group will promote the use of fertilisers from Fertiberia’s Impact Zero range, which reduce carbon emissions in their manufacture, for the fertilisation of durum wheat crops and their subsequent production of pasta

  • The company is committed to the sustainability, viability and future of the Andalusian countryside through a pioneering sustainable agriculture project.

Barcelona, 07 March 2024 – Gallo Group, a leading pasta producer, has become a pioneer in the use of low-carbon crop nutrition solutions for the production of durum wheat, the raw material used to make its renowned pasta. Thanks to the use of the Impact Zero line, the first crop nutrition solutions produced with green hydrogen, Gallo Group is committed to a new approach in its strategic plan to reduce its carbon footprint hand in hand with Fertiberia, a company that is positioned as one of the world leaders in the production of low-carbon ammonia and fertilisers.

Impact Zero has been created by Fertiberia to promote the decarbonisation of the agri-food industry. By joining this initiative, Gallo Group will promote the use of fertilisers produced from green hydrogen to replace natural gas among durum wheat farmers.

  • CO2 emissions are thereby reduced both in the production of the fertiliser and in the fertiliser phase, which will result in a reduction of the carbon footprint in the entire value chain for the production of its pasta. In this sense, it is estimated that every kilo of durum wheat produced with this fertiliser will reduce emissions by more than half compared to conventionally fertilised durum wheat.

On World Cereal Day, Gallo Group wanted to show its commitment to the decarbonisation of the food industry, defending its commitment to the economic and social sustainability of the agricultural sector with the production of more environmentally responsible food. The reduction of emissions is one of the main environmental challenges that the company considers in its 2023-2030 ESG Plan, whose strategy is based on four areas of action: green agriculture, climate change, healthy products and talent development.

The first sowings with these fertilisers have already begun in Andalusia through a pilot test. The head of wheat at Gallo Group, José Chacón, stresses the importance of the raw material for the production of pasta: “At Gallo Group we are excited to be pioneers and to be at the forefront of innovations. That is why we are committed to Impact Zero fertilisers which, in addition to reducing the carbon footprint of the crop due to their manufacturing method, are also associated with formulations that make them more efficient and sustainable, and ensure the maximum quality of our durum wheat.”

The launch of this pioneering project together with Fertiberia is part of Gallo Group’s strategy to promote sustainable agriculture, which also includes research into more efficient and sustainable durum wheat varieties through investment in research into regenerative agriculture techniques. Among other initiatives, the company is collaborating with the University of Cordoba through the ‘LIFE Innocereal EU’ project and with the company Agrovegetal to develop durum wheat varieties that are more resistant to the adverse effects of climate change, such as drought.

Fernando Fernández, CEO of Gallo Group, highlighted the importance of this initiative for the fulfilment of the company’s carbon footprint reduction objectives: “To change the future food system, we need to transform the way we work by putting sustainability at the heart of our business strategy, so that it has a beneficial impact on the planet and people. Driving sustainable agriculture is the first pillar of our ESG strategy, which seeks to positively impact the quality of our raw material, durum wheat, and promote regenerative farming practices that respect local biodiversity,” Fernández added.

This project is part of Gallo Group’s commitment to the sustainability, viability and future of the Andalusian countryside, in which the company maintains close ties with local farmers through the purchase of 80% of durum wheat from local farmers, providing support to more than 2,000 local families.

Javier Goñi, CEO of Fertiberia Group, stresses that “the decarbonisation of the food industry requires companies capable of coordinating the efforts of all these actors in pursuit of a common goal, which is to reduce emissions without losing competitiveness or efficiency, and that role is assumed by companies like Grupo Fertiberia and Grupo Gallo, which join forces throughout the chain to reduce emissions in the entire sector thanks to our Impact Zero line.”

More information, in video*:

*In Spanish. Source: Europa Press – Gallo Group (Grupo Gallo).

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