Reaffirming our commitment to being agents of positive change
To further promote our corporate responsibility in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, in 2021 we joined the UN Global Compact (Global Compact) reaffirming our commitment to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to contribute to the achievement of the major challenges facing our society: eradicating extreme poverty, combating inequality and halting climate change by 2030, among others.
This membership means incorporating the Ten Principles defined by United Nations in the year 2000, thus joining the largest global network of responsible business leaders and professionals called upon to play a leading role in defining the sustainability agenda.
Our goal
To improve everyone's life, promoting equality and economic, social and environmental balance, fighting against climate change and working la for the defence of the environment through responsible production processes.
Our allies: ODS17
The 2030 Agenda insists on the advantages and potential of alliances (support for sustainable development through the strengthening of global partnerships) with a large number of actors and partners, and the mobilisation of knowledge, technical skills, technology and resources. In the specific development of ODS17, fundamental for achieving the other 16, we participate in several strategic networks of alliances such as:
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