Get your next campaign ready! We offer you the key to promoting filtration, retention and lateral movement of water in the soil

Strawberry crops in Huelva are grown in sandy soils that are 90-95% sand, poor in organic matter (0.5%), low EC (0.8 mS/cm Sat. Ext.), with a limited capacity to retain water and nutrients, and with irrigation waters that have very low salinity. This crop requires frequent irrigation and significant volumes of water, thus entailing high consumption of this resource. Furthermore, farms where the crop is planted on second-year ridges require moistening of the same for later planting, which involves an abundant use of water resources. These practices are additionally carried out at a time when we have faced abnormally high temperatures and a lack of rainfall in recent years. Therefore, the lack of water has prompted the need to optimise its use more efficiently.

The depth of the root system in strawberry crops varies and depends, among other factors, on the type of soil or the presence of pathogens in it. It can reach 2-3 m under optimal conditions, although it normally does not exceed 40 cm, where most of it (90%) is in the first 25 cm (Morillo, 2015), where the plants absorb nutrients and water.

Imagen principal para el post "¡Prepara tu próxima campaña! Te damos la clave para favorecer la filtración, retención y movimiento lateral del agua en el suelo" mostrando el producto CHAUME de TRICHODEX como solución en el cultivo de la fresa
27-08-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen de acompañamiento para el interior del post "¡Prepara tu próxima campaña! Te damos la clave para favorecer la filtración, retención y movimiento lateral del agua en el suelo"

CHAUME® is a blend of non-ionic surfactants that promote the filtration, retention and lateral movement of water in the soil. CHAUME® is an optimal solution that reduces the frequency of irrigation and achieves its best use and improved availability of nutrients.

It does not contain phosphates or perchloric acid. Its formulation is based on Ascophyllum nodosum algae extract and it stimulates the crop, improving its physiological conditions to be able to cope with stressful moments.

Improved aeration capacity, through the application of CHAUME®, prevents anaerobic conditions (lack of oxygen) in the rhizosphere, thus favouring the plant’s natural microbiome.

In trials conducted on second-year planting ridges, applying CHAUME® before and after planting, we successfully increased the average moisture content (average of 39 days of evaluation) of the soil by 16.73% compared to the control and 9.36% compared to the reference used, obtaining better optimisation of irrigation water in the wet bulb of the plant.

27-08-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen para el interior del post "¡Prepara tu próxima campaña! Te damos la clave para favorecer la filtración, retención y movimiento lateral del agua en el suelo": FIGURA 1, porcentaje de humedad a los 15 cm de profundidad durante 39 días
Moisture content at 15 cm depth for 39 days.
Average data from approximately 47-48 measurements per day (one measurement every 30 minutes) for 39 days.
27-08-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen para el interior del post "¡Prepara tu próxima campaña! Te damos la clave para favorecer la filtración, retención y movimiento lateral del agua en el suelo": Figura 2. Porcentaje medio de humedad al los 15 cm de profundidad de los 39 días de experimentación
Figure 2. Average moisture content at 15 cm depth for the 39 days of experimentation.
Average data from approximately 48 measurements per day (one measurement every 30 minutes) for 39 days.

Regarding the supply of irrigation, the control treatment ridge receives a total of 198.32 m3/ha, while the commercial reference ridge receives 196.65 m3/ha of water. However, a total of 193.33 m3/ha is supplied to the ridge with the CHAUME® treatment, in other words, 4,990 l/ha less water than the control in the 39 days tested.

An analysis of the supply of water to the different ridges with respect to the moisture content at 15 cm discloses sudden drops in the moisture values due to water drainage in the control ridge. Nevertheless, the moisture remains constant with respect to irrigation in the ridges treated with CHAUME®, since the water diffuses transversely in the soil, avoiding losses due to run-off.

27-08-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen para el interior del post "¡Prepara tu próxima campaña! Te damos la clave para favorecer la filtración, retención y movimiento lateral del agua en el suelo": Figura 3.1. Riegos realizados y porcentaje de humedad a los 15 cm de profundidad durante 39 días de los lomos control y CHAUME®
27-08-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen para el interior del post "¡Prepara tu próxima campaña! Te damos la clave para favorecer la filtración, retención y movimiento lateral del agua en el suelo": Figura 3.2. Riegos realizados y porcentaje de humedad a los 15 cm de profundidad durante 39 días de los lomos control y CHAUME®
Figure 3. Irrigation performed and moisture content at 15 cm depth for 39 days of the control and CHAUME® ridges.
Average data from approximately 47-48 measurements per day (one measurement every 30 minutes) for 39 days.


  • 16.7% Increase in moisture in 2nd year ridges.
  • Greater water retention in the first 25 cm of depth (90% of the root system).
  • CHAUME® produces the transverse movement of water, maintaining constant moisture throughout the 2nd year ridge period.
  • GREATER OPTIMISATION of irrigation water in times of drought. Reduction of 5,000 l/ha in 39 days of testing.


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