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Grupo Fertiberia successfully completed new senior secured bond issue

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The company issues 175 million in bonds for the early repayment of a pre-existing bond issue

  • The success of the placement confirms the strength and solvency of the company’s business.

Grupo Fertiberia confirms the solvency and solidity of its business and the notoriety acquired among investors and successfully completes a new 4-year senior secured bond issue with an initial issue amount of EUR 175 million. Following this placement, the company will early redeem an existing bond issue, as already announced on 16 April.

The issue date is expected to be 8 May 2024 and an application will be made for the bonds to be listed on Oslo Stock Exchange and Frankfurt Open Market. The operation has been advised by Latham & Watkins, White & Case, Pareto Securities, Arctic Securities, Wikborg Rein, y Thommessen.

In 2021, Grupo Fertiberia initiated a plan to diversify its sources of financing with an issue of EUR 175 million in the Nordic Capital Market to support its investment plan. Fertiberia has now taken advantage of the improved market financing conditions, as well as the notoriety acquired among investors in these four years and its optimal capital structure, to materialise this new issue.

With this new issue, the Group continues its commitment to capital markets where ESG criteria are highly demanding. It also reinforces the presence, visibility and transparency of the company’s business in very promising geographical areas for the development of industrial projects associated with the energy transition. 

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Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

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