
Welcome to our blog, a place to read about trends and topics such as green hydrogen or low carbon ammonia, biotechnology or high value-added plant nutrition

23-01-2025. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal del post "Doble sistema comprobado: El heptagluconato de cobre garantiza una absorción y translocación eficiente tanto por vía foliar como radicular", TRICOPPER
Proven dual system: copper heptagluconate guarantees efficient absorption and translocation both through leaves and roots
TRICOPPER® corrects copper deficiencies, providing a high-value, fast-absorbing organic nutrient, suitable...
20-12-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal del post "Brassica: el motor de la producción hortofrutícola en España", TRICHOBOT
Brassica: the driving force behind fruit and vegetable production in Spain
The Brassica genus includes key crops such as cauliflower, cabbage, rapini and rapeseed, among others....
11-12-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal del post "Los microorganismos, grandes aliados de la agricultura", VIBACTER
Microorganisms, excellent allies in agriculture
The combined use of seed treatment along with the addition of PGPR microorganisms would enhance crop...
31-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal del post "Trichoderma Inteligente:
Biofertilizantes que revolucionan la producción
y la salud del suelo", usando una composición con el producto biofertilizante VELLTRIX
Intelligent Trichoderma. Biofertilisers that revolutionise production and soil health
TRICHODEX® (Fertiberia Group) has in its catalogue VELLTRIX®, a registered biofertiliser, formulated...
Imagen principal para el post "Microbioma: Heroes Invisible que Revolucionan la Agricultura Moderna" mostrando la frase "Biotech for live" con para celebrar el Día Internacional del Microbioma
Get your next campaign ready! We offer you the key to promoting filtration, retention and lateral movement of water in the soil
Strawberry crops - CHAUME® is an optimal solution that reduces the frequency of irrigation and achieves...
Imagen principal para el post
Optimise calcium intake in times of greatest need
CITOMASTIC® is an enzymatic catalyst particularly suited to increase the photosynthetic rate and metabolic...
The University of Cadiz (UCA) visits us
TRICHODEX Grupo Fertiberia has had the pleasure of receiving this week biotechnology students from the...
Water is life, Velltrix is life
Biotechnology and agriculture join forces for responsible water management: Velltrix enables plants to...
BIOCLEAN LKE® against Alternaria
Studies have been conducted to evaluate the use of BIOCLEAN LKE® as a substitute for mancozeb in the...
Reducing fruit drop in citrus fruits
We apply BIOKELAT Co-Mo, a product manufactured thanks to FPB® and MAMPs® technologies, activating crucial...
Thank you for visiting us at Fruit Attraction!
We consolidate our presence at Fruit Attraction, bringing disruptive and sustainable biotechnological...

Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

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We design and manufacture the most efficient and sustainable products for agriculture and industry


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Research, development and innovation for sustainable and responsible growth.

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