All the latest news about Fertiberia

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23-01-2025. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal del post "Doble sistema comprobado: El heptagluconato de cobre garantiza una absorción y translocación eficiente tanto por vía foliar como radicular", TRICOPPER
Proven dual system: copper heptagluconate guarantees efficient absorption and translocation both through leaves and roots
TRICOPPER® corrects copper deficiencies, providing a high-value, fast-absorbing organic...
11-12-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal del post "Los microorganismos, grandes aliados de la agricultura", VIBACTER
Microorganisms, excellent allies in agriculture
The combined use of seed treatment along with the addition of PGPR microorganisms...
31-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal del post "Trichoderma Inteligente:
Biofertilizantes que revolucionan la producción
y la salud del suelo", usando una composición con el producto biofertilizante VELLTRIX
Intelligent Trichoderma. Biofertilisers that revolutionise production and soil health
TRICHODEX® (Fertiberia Group) has in its catalogue VELLTRIX®, a registered biofertiliser,...
04-10-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal del post "Restaura el microbioma y mitiga los efectos del estrés en tu cultivo", usando una composición con fresas para ejemplificar los beneficios de VIBACTER® y BACNIFOS® y las ventajas de la biotecnología.
Restore the microbiome and mitigate the effects of stress on your crop
Discover the benefits of VIBACTER® and BACNIFOS® biofertilisers in strawberry cultivation...
Imagen principal para el post "Los Reyes del Microbioma" usando una visión creativa del microbioma convertido en personaje con corona. Sirve para ejemplificar la campaña sobre los beneficios de los biofertilizantes
The Kings of the Microbiome
VELLTRIX®, VIBACTER®, BACNIFOS®, and FINDER® biofertilizers from TRICHODEX® not only...
Imagen principal para el post
Optimise calcium intake in times of greatest need
CITOMASTIC® is an enzymatic catalyst particularly suited to increase the photosynthetic...
Imagen principal para el post "Ponencia técnica: “Microbioma en Acción: Estrategias Innovadoras para la Resiliencia de Cultivos Leñosos y Hortícolas frente al estrés Biótico y Abiótico" mostrando el cartel de la ponencia
20-03-2024. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal para el post "Ponencia técnica: “Microbioma en Acción: Estrategias Innovadoras para la Resiliencia de Cultivos Leñosos y Hortícolas frente al estrés Biótico y Abiótico" mostrando el cartel de la  ponencia
Technical presentation: “Microbiome in Action: Innovative Strategies for Resilience of Woody and Horticultural Crops to Biotic and Abiotic Stress”
This technical presentation took place on 14 March, within the framework of the 17th...
Imagen principal para el post "TRICHODEX® avanza en Portugal con nuevos registros en biofertilizantes" mostrando la imagen de los productos concretos
TRICHODEX® at the 17th National Plant Health Symposium: “Unlocking the Power of the Microbiome for Profitable and Sustainable Agriculture”
During the event, we will present our latest breakthroughs and innovative strategies...
Imagen principal para el post "TRICHODEX® avanza en Portugal con nuevos registros en biofertilizantes" mostrando la imagen de los productos concretos
TRICHODEX® makes progress in Portugal with new biofertiliser registrations
The company has obtained new registrations in Portugal: these are very representative...
10-11-2023. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal para el post "BACNIFOS incrementa significativamente la longitud área y total" mostrando en detalle la germinación de semilla
BACNIFOS® significantly increases area and total length
Seed treatment is one of the most efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly...
Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog TRICHODEX ABIM 2023: header
TRICHODEX® in Annual Biocontrol Industry International (ABIM)
We have actively participated in the IBMA AUTUMN GENERAL ASSEMBLY (AGM) as in the...
Imagen principal para el post de TRICHODEX "Prepara tu próxima campaña de frutos rojos: salinidad"
Prepare your next berry season: salinity
Microorganisms mitigate salt stress by reducing the synthesis of reactive oxygen...
Detalle del cartel de la feria Fruit Attraction 2023
Trichodex will once again be present at fruit attraction the international trade fair of the fruit and vegetable sector
We consolidate our presence at Fruit Attraction, providing biotechnological and sustainable...
Imagen del Congreso Europeo de Producción Ecológica 2023 (ECOC23) patrocinado por TRICHODEX
Sponsors at the European Organic Congress, where the Presidency of the Honorary Committee is accepted by Her Majesty Queen Letizia
Grupo Fertiberia TRICHODEX® consolidates its presence in the presentation ceremony...
Platinum Sponsors at the Microbiome 23 International Congress
For yet another year, we will be attending, providing biotechnological and sustainable...
Water is life, Velltrix is life
Biotechnology and agriculture join forces for responsible water management: Velltrix...
Raquel Pastor receives the Fertiberia Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis on Agricultural Subjects for her research on biofertilisation.
This is one of the best-financed agronomic research awards in Europe, with a total...
Soil and Microbiome: the dynamic duo
Soil well-being is achieved when the MICROBIOME is in balance with organic matter...
There are certain growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs) that stimulate plant development...
Grupo Fertiberia acquires Trichodex to lead in biotechnology innovation
The acquisition improves Grupo Fertiberia's plant nutrition offer in biofertilisers...
TRICHODEX® launches VIBACTER, BACNIFOS and FINDER to bring new solutions that help...
Citomastic® in broccoli
CITOMASTIC® is an enzyme catalyst specially indicated to increase the photosynthetic...
TRICHODEX renews, once again, the UNE 142500 and 315500 certification
We announce the renewal of the certification of our products under the new UNE standard...

Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

What we do

We design and manufacture the most efficient and sustainable products for agriculture and industry


Services to facilitate our customers’ daily tasks


Our pillars to ensure sustainable, innovative and committed investments.


Research, development and innovation for sustainable and responsible growth.

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