All the latest news about Fertiberia

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PepsiCo y Fertiberia extienden su programa de fertilizantes bajos en carbono para el cultivo de patata y maíz en España y Portugal
PepsiCo and Fertiberia extend their low-carbon fertiliser programme for potato and corn production in Spain and Portugal
In the first phase of the project, the carbon footprint of PepsiCo’s potato crops...
Fertiberia - Noticias. Imagen para noticia Fertiberia y Grupo IberoPistacho se alían para impulsar la sostenibilidad en el cultivo del pistacho
Fertiberia and IberoPistacho Group join forces to promote sustainability in pistachio cultivation
Thanks to the application of Fertiberia TECH biotechnological solutions and the use...
Imagen principal para el post "Microbioma: Heroes Invisible que Revolucionan la Agricultura Moderna" mostrando la frase "Biotech for live" con para celebrar el Día Internacional del Microbioma
Get your next campaign ready! We offer you the key to promoting filtration, retention and lateral movement of water in the soil
Strawberry crops - CHAUME® is an optimal solution that reduces the frequency of irrigation...
Salen al mercado las primeras LAY’S y Ruffles cultivadas con los fertilizantes bajos en carbono de fertiberia
The first LAY’S and Ruffles cultivated with Fertiberia’s Low-Carbon fertilisers are now on the market
A pilot programme between PepsiCo and Fertiberia has successfully grown 9,000 tonnes...
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Optimise calcium intake in times of greatest need
CITOMASTIC® is an enzymatic catalyst particularly suited to increase the photosynthetic...
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NSAFE®, the first nitrification bio-inhibitor on the market developed by Fertiberia, awarded as one of the 100 Best Ideas by Actualidad Económica
Actualidad Económica has highlighted NSAFE® technology as one of the most innovative...
Imagen para el interior de la noticia "Grupo Fertiberia celebra el Día Mundial de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo con la entrega de sus Premios SaFer" mostrando las fotos de los premiados
Grupo Fertiberia joins the GLOBALG.A.P. community to promote sustainable crops
Fertiberia joins GLOBALG.A.P. as an associate member to continue promoting responsible...
Imagen para el interior de la noticia "Las estrategias para descarbonizar el sector agrícola, a debate en la 15º Jornada de la Cátedra Fertiberia de Estudios Agroambientales" mostrando a algunos de los presentes en la Jornada sobre Estrategias de Descarbonización
Fertiberia and Agrifirm join forces for the development of low-carbon crop nutrition solutions in the Netherlands
Through its Dutch subsidiary Van De Reijt, Fertiberia has allied with The Royal Agrifirm...
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Fertiberia partners with EOSOL to develop an Artificial Intelligence tool to promote precision agriculture
Grupo Fertiberia takes another step forward in its aim to promote more efficient,...
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Gallo Group joins forces with Fertiberia to use low-carbon crop nutrition solutions with the aim of producing more sustainable durum wheat
Gallo Group will promote the use of fertilisers from Fertiberia’s Impact Zero range,...
Imagen para la noticia "Fertiberia lanza un amoniaco para el tratamiento de agua potable" mostrando una vista general aérea de la planta donde se produce, Palos de la Frontera (Huelva)
The low carbon footprint barley project promoted by Fertiberia and HEINEKEN Spain, awarded by the Institut Cerdá’s Observatory for Innovation in Mass Consumption
The event recognises the commitment to innovation and sustainable agriculture under...
Fertiberia News - "Fertiberia accelerates its biotechnology business and launches NERGETIC DZ+ with the NSAFE bio-inhibitor"
Fertiberia accelerates its biotechnology business and launches NERGETIC DZ+ with the NSAFE® bio-inhibitor
NERGETIC DZ+ is the first product to incorporate the NSAFE® biotechnology innovation...
Imagen para la noticia "Fertiberia lanza un AdBlue para el transporte marítimo" mostrando un buque mercante
Fertiberia launches NSAFE®: the first bio-inhibitor on the market that prevents nitrogen losses, protects soil biodiversity and increases yields
It is a new microbiological development that acts as a nitrification inhibitor, retaining...
Imagen principal para el post "TRICHODEX® avanza en Portugal con nuevos registros en biofertilizantes" mostrando la imagen de los productos concretos
TRICHODEX® makes progress in Portugal with new biofertiliser registrations
The company has obtained new registrations in Portugal: these are very representative...
10-11-2023. Fertiberia - Actualidad. Blog - Trichodex. Imagen principal para el post "BACNIFOS incrementa significativamente la longitud área y total" mostrando en detalle la germinación de semilla
BACNIFOS® significantly increases area and total length
Seed treatment is one of the most efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly...
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Renewal of UNE 142500 and UNE 315500 Certificates
Our solutions receive UNE certification for use in organic production for the fifth...
Imagen para ilustrar la entrega de los Premios Cátedra Fertiberia de Estudios Agroambientales, otorgados en 2023 a Jhoeel Hernán y a Belén Lostao, que muestra al jurado de los premios
ADP Fertilizantes obtains the ZERYA® certificate for biotechnological products
This certification, obtained for all Neoforce® and Profertil® products in the Fertiberia...
Imagen principal para el post de TRICHODEX "Prepara tu próxima campaña de frutos rojos: optimización del riego", destacando las ventajas de Chaume
Prepare your next berry season: irrigation optimisation
Drought, together with rising global temperatures, has become one of the main abiotic...
TIDAL is a formulation based on the 'priming effect', activating the immune system...
Brown rot in stone fruit trees
The application of BIOCLEAN®️ LKE achieves optimum results in the control of brown...
Technical Support: from the lab to the field
Validation of product efficacy and crop safety is crucial prior to market launch....

Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

What we do

We design and manufacture the most efficient and sustainable products for agriculture and industry


Services to facilitate our customers’ daily tasks


Our pillars to ensure sustainable, innovative and committed investments.


Research, development and innovation for sustainable and responsible growth.

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