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All the latest news about Fertiberia

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Fertiberia: Actualidad, Noticias. Imagen para "Fertiberia y Orica completan la primera voladura con Nitrato Amónico Técnico bajo en carbono en España" mostrando el producto en el terreno de la voladura
Orica and Fertiberia complete first low-carbon Ammonium Nitrate blast in Spain
Orica (ASX: ORI) and Fertiberia have partnered to successfully execute the first...
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NSAFE®, the first nitrification bio-inhibitor on the market developed by Fertiberia, awarded as one of the 100 Best Ideas by Actualidad Económica
Actualidad Económica has highlighted NSAFE® technology as one of the most innovative...
Imagen para el interior de la noticia "Grupo Fertiberia celebra el Día Mundial de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo con la entrega de sus Premios SaFer" mostrando las fotos de los premiados
Grupo Fertiberia joins the GLOBALG.A.P. community to promote sustainable crops
Fertiberia joins GLOBALG.A.P. as an associate member to continue promoting responsible...
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Grupo Fertiberia celebrates World Day for Safety and Health at Work with the presentation of its SaFer Awards
The winners were two workers from the Palos and Setúbal factories, the Huelva Closing...
Grupo Fertiberia successfully completed new senior secured bond issue
Grupo Fertiberia confirms the solvency and solidity of its business and the notoriety...
Imagen para la noticia "Fertiberia, Lantmännen y Nordion Energi invierten para desarrollar la primera fábrica de fertilizantes alimentada con energía 100% renovable en Suecia" mostrando la firma del acuerdo
Fertiberia_Actualidad-Noticias_Fertiberia_Jornada_Cátedra Fertiberia_Estudios_Agroambientales
The Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies convenes its 15th Conference on decarbonisation strategies in the fertiliser sector
The Fertiberia Chair conference will analyse some of the ways to mitigate GHG emissions...
Imagen para la noticia "El proyecto de cebada baja en huella de carbono impulsado por Fertiberia y HEINEKEN España, premiado por el Observatorio de Innovación en Gran Consumo del Institut Cerdá" mostrando a personal de Fertiberia y Heineken como galardonados
Fertiberia celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis on Agricultural Subjects, the best-financed award for agronomic research in Europe
Juan de Dios Franco Navarro, ganador de esta edición por su tesis “Funciones del...
Imagen para ilustrar la entrega de los Premios Cátedra Fertiberia de Estudios Agroambientales, otorgados en 2023 a Jhoeel Hernán y a Belén Lostao, que muestra al jurado de los premios
Jhoeel Hernán and Belén Lostao, Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies Award Winners
Both have been awarded for their research work in the field of fertilisers and their...
Imagen principal para la noticia sobre la apertura del XXVII Certamen Fertiberia de Pintura Rural Infantil, mostrando el cartel de la convocatoria abierta en septiembre de 2023
The 27th Fertiberia Children's Rural Painting Competition is now open for entries
The competition aims to raise awareness about and highlight the values of the rural...
The call for the '24th Young Researchers Awards' of the Huelva Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters in collaboration with Fertiberia is open
Any researcher or artist under 35 years of age who can demonstrate relevant professional...
The UPM and Fertiberia renew their collaboration in efficient and sustainable fertilisation with the Chair of Agri-environmental Studies
Through a new agreement, both entities are continuing the joint actions they have...
The CAP and the environment in the fertiliser sector, under debate at the 14th Workshop of the Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies of UPM
14th Workshop on Fertilisation for Sustainable Agriculture, Fertiliser sector: CAP...
Fertiberia will support the 24th Young Researchers Awards of the Huelva Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
The 2023 edition of the competition will open on 1 October.
The University of Cadiz (UCA) visits us
TRICHODEX Grupo Fertiberia has had the pleasure of receiving this week biotechnology...
The Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies sponsors the Study-Practical trip organised by the ETSIAAB to the Fertiberia factory in Puertollano.
A total of 28 students from the 3rd and 4th year of the Degree in Agro-environmental...
Grupo Fertiberia joins World Day for Safety and Health at Work with the presentation of its 1st SaFer Awards.
This initiative recognises the actions and attitudes in favour of prevention and...
Alma Martínez from Murcia, winner of Grupo Fertiberia's 26th Children's Rural Painting Competition.
An engaging competition designed for students aged 6 to 10 residing in rural towns...
University of Seville Open House
TRICHODEX® Grupo Fertiberia has been presented today at the University of Seville...
BIOCLEAN LKE® against Alternaria
Studies have been conducted to evaluate the use of BIOCLEAN LKE® as a substitute...
Bureau Veritas certifies Grupo Fertiberia's responsible management and good anti-corruption practices.
Bureau Veritas awards UNE 19601 and ISO 37001 certificates to the company's anti-bribery...
The 25th edition of the 'Fertiberia Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis on Agricultural Subjects' has been announced.
The competition, which is open until 8 May, recognises the cum laude works...
Raquel Pastor receives the Fertiberia Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis on Agricultural Subjects for her research on biofertilisation.
This is one of the best-financed agronomic research awards in Europe, with a total...
We are renewing our certificates! UNE 142500 and UNE 315500
For the fourth consecutive year, we announce the renewal of the certification of...
Improving nitrogen use efficiency
Reconciling agricultural productivity with water and air quality objectives.
Sustainable fertilisation, under debate at the Fertiberia Chair of Agri-environmental Studies at the Polytechnic University of Madrid
The conference addressed the new European regulation on the fertiliser market that...
TRICHODEX has participated in the 16th National Plant Health Symposium (Seville,...
Grupo Fertiberia will reduce its emissions to zero by 2035
Grupo Fertiberia has launched the most ambitious investment plan in its history to...
HyDeal Spain: the world's largest integrated renewable and competitive hydrogen hub
HyDeal Spain will be the first industrial implementation of the HyDeal Ambition platform...
A German and Swedish delegation visits the hydrogen project being promoted by Grupo Fertiberia and Iberdrola in Puertollano
The commissioner of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for Hydrogen...
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners announces a consortium with Enagás, Naturgy, Fertiberia and Vestas to produce hydrogen and green ammonia on a large scale in Spain
The Catalina project has the potential to create 5,000 jobs and avoid the emission...
Lucas Forcos from Zaragoza, winner of Grupo Fertiberia's 25th Children's Rural Painting Competition
Students aged 6 to 10 years old who live in rural towns or towns of agricultural...
TRICHODEX renews, once again, the UNE 142500 and 315500 certification
We announce the renewal of the certification of our products under the new UNE standard...
BIOADAPTA: the need for change in the face of climate change
BIOAdapta® is TRICHODEX's solution to the global challenge of reducing the impact...
Agriculture 2.0: producing with less fertilisers
On 6 November the Regional Government of Andalusia updated the recommendations...

Fertiberia, a leader in the production of green hydrogen and low carbon ammonia and high value-added crop nutrition and environmental solutions for industry

What we do

We design and manufacture the most efficient and sustainable products for agriculture and industry


Services to facilitate our customers’ daily tasks


Our pillars to ensure sustainable, innovative and committed investments.


Research, development and innovation for sustainable and responsible growth.

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